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Aussies paying huge price for their renowned Apathy
by liq Thursday, Aug 2 2012, 12:50am
international / prose / post

To say apathy is a cultural plague in a nation where two favourite expressions are, "couldn't give a shit" and "who gives a fuck?" is gross understatement. This is the nation that has just accepted a Wall St, Banker, Corporate lackey PM IMPOSING a Carbon Tax on it when more than two thirds of the population vehemently opposed such a tax, BUT where's the outrage and social indignation? I'll tell you where, no-one gives a flying fuck 'round 'ere, mate!


But it seems that Aussie slackness and complacency has finally caught up with the spineless, beer swilling, wine imbibing population. It has been known for some time that Aussies pay far more (for no good reason) than other western nations for their energy and other products; however, it has recently been revealed that Aussies are NOW paying up to FOUR times more than their cousins overseas for popular products -- and that notwithstanding our very high dollar value!

To rub salt in the apathetic wound, businesses and regulators have been resorting to "geoblocking" to prevent Aussies purchasing items at the correct price on the web -- how's dem apples, you tragic, useless, convict, morons? Other Aussie expressions readers may find revealing are, "he couldn't act to save his own life" and "of no use to man or beast!"

That about sums up the Oz temperament readers; so you see, it suits the nation to have a Washington doormat for a prime minister and a bunch of corporate lackeys for parliamentarians and ministers -- what a fuckin' cultural, social and political travesty!

The relatively small 20m population should be the most affluent in the world but trillions of dollars in profits are pillaged from the nation's resource wealth by Transnationals every year while the people allow themselves to be ripped off -- shit sandwiches will be on the menu for the masses soon enough.

If you want REAL change Oz, Boycott ALL major political parties and VOTE INDEPENDENTS into office AT EVERY ELECTION, you can't do much worse than the current situation, you dumb, useless bastards.

But then, "she'll be right, mate!" [In your fuckin' dreams, Oz; the Carbon Tax is about to increase the price of EVERYTHING across the board, you lame, Aussie whimps.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-26.html