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No Concrete Evidence To Date on which Embroiled Party launched Gas attack in Syria
by james Friday, Apr 7 2017, 9:37pm
international / prose / post

The following story in the SMH, reposted from the dubious Washington Post, is noted for its flagrant propaganda as no mention of evidence as to which group launched the gas attack on Syrian civilians is evident.

Furthermore, ‘Turkish’ doctors, of all the deeply partial players in the Syrian proxy war, ‘determined’ that chemical weapons were used after performing autopsies on some of the victims; indeed, no-one is disputing a chemical attack but as an example of not only the partiality of Turkey, Turkish doctors were unable to identify which chemical agent was used though they said “most likely” Sarin nerve gas.

Now understand that if Malaysian medicos and forensic specialists were easily able to detect that Sarin was used to murder the North Korean president’s half brother in Malaysia, why then has Turkey failed to identify the chemical agent? The obvious explanation is that all chemical agents carry a chemical signature which identifies their origin. Now hearken back to the anthrax attacks during the 9/11 false flag event. After thorough analysis, prompted by an academic textual analyst, it was CONFIRMED that the anthrax utilised to kill US citizens, was manufactured by the US military! So please US allies, spooks, agents and cohorts, do a little better next time in attempting to cover a brazen US illegal attack on a sovereign nation and convince the world that Assad is responsible.

Now, if track records or modus operandis mean anything, then CLEARLY these tactics have been REPEATEDLY employed by the US and its allies to illegally intervene and fragment nations that refuse to toe Washington’s line. The proof of such began with the exposure of civilian attacks in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, with blatant LIES and orchestrations about WMD, Libya, falsely accusing Gaddafi of mass murdering his own population and other instances where the US/NATO has intervened. So what would these historical facts suggest to you, dear reader?

Thinking people, a minority today, arrive at their own conclusions based on known facts before swallowing the most blatant, though rhetorically convincing, BIASED press reports from the USA, as do millions of mindless media led American morons, the majority in the USA, BUT not the WORLD! Australia’s respected SMH should be ashamed of itself for reposting stories almost verbatim from the notorious and deeply biased Washington Post.

Now people READ the OMISSIONS in the story not the rhetorically persuasive conjecture and assumptions:

Syria attacks: Autopsies 'confirm chemical weapons used' as protests erupt against US airstrike

Autopsies on victims of the Syrian poisoning gas attack have confirmed chemical weapons were used in the daybreak strike that led the United States to fire more than 50 missiles into Syrian territory.

The autopsies, conducted on three victims by Turkish doctors, provide the most concrete evidence to date for why more than 80 civilians - including at least 30 children - were killed. The chemical used was most likely the deadly nerve agent sarin, the Turkish Health Ministry said.

"According to the preliminary results, the findings suggest that the patients were exposed to a chemical substance [Sarin]," the statement said.

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Now note the wording, rhetorical tricks, and outrageous imputations of the story, which was clearly designed to persuade though these semantic tricks/designs are well known to specialist textual analysts.

The American mass media elite would do well to note that they are dealing with a very aware WORLD today, not a bunch of gullible, banjo-playing American morons!

For more accurate information read related stories below this post.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2599.html