Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Cheney: “No Question” that Russia Interfered with Presidential Election
by justin Wednesday, Mar 29 2017, 9:32pm
international / prose / post

Whenever, un-prosecuted BRAZEN war criminal Dick Cheney says there’s ‘no question,’ you can bet everything you have there’s a million questions, at least for those citizens that have a memory and a shred of integrity.

Dick Cheney, proven war criminal
Dick Cheney, proven war criminal

In very recent history/memory Cheney stated that there’s no question Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which statement was yet another blatant orchestrated LIE, as UN weapons inspectors, after thorough investigations in Iraq, announced to the world that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. However, did that REALITY prevent Cheney and his neocon gang illegally invading Iraq, ruining the nation and leaving over over a million innocent civilian dead behind? Not a (criminal) chance!

The WORLD also noted that US invasion forces made a bee-line for the OIL MINISTRY in Baghdad, NOT any alleged, (non-existent) WMD storage sites. So please Mr ‘Haliburton’ war criminal, tell us another one, and you may also consider backing up your transparent LIES with PROOF!

Pathological liar and brazen war criminal Cheney was giving one of his characteristic ‘dark side’ speeches at the Economic Times' Global Business Summit, to an audience ready to hear any absurdity that would allow those interests to steal, plunder and rape weaker nations, as very recent history RECORDS.

It is a very poor reflection on the American people/nation that this individual and his cohorts remain un-prosecuted as the evidence for war crimes convictions is overwhelming. But we are dealing with mindless and gutless Americans, so to be expected; however, the WORLD does not suffer from AMERICAN DENIAL syndrome. So every time a proven American war criminal rears his/her evil ugly head someone in the FREE world would jam their LIES back down their despicable throats.

If you have the stomach for it, view Cheney’s speech below -- the sight of this war criminal boils the blood of all informed people with a keen sense of justice and integrity. Cheney is America’s problem; every time Cheney appears (free) in public, America and its values, in the eyes of the WORLD, stand condemned.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2589.html