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Simple and Self-evident
by watson Sunday, Nov 25 2012, 10:03pm
international / prose / post

Don't think Me, think 'WE!'

Human beings survived and took evolutionary supremacy as a species primarily due to their co-operative INNATE instincts as social animals -- in other words human success was and is dependent on co-operation and mutual assistance. From the primeval past to today that is the open secret of human social success!

Now compare our natural social tendency to cooperate and ACHIEVE success with the prevailing (perverse) American ideology of, 'it's all about ME,' competition and adversarial conflict.

Humans as a species would have failed had they adopted the 'ME' approach to everything, as America cunningly promulgates around the globe -- though we should never lose sight of the fact that while the plutocratic ruling elite divide and conquer, THEY [Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg goups to name a few] cooperate to the extreme to achieve their nefarious ends.

And what are those ends? Take a good look around and you will see yawning disparities/inequities and a slave majority working for the express interests of a tiny minority of unrepresentative, avaricious criminals who could care less how many slaves suffer or are murdered in the name of THEIR profits.

If you want social equality, equity, fair play and justice simply tap into your innate instincts and cooperate to remedy ANY social problem. It is not rocket science to realise that inculcated/learned fear has displaced our joyous cooperative spirit. Learned FEAR must be challenged and overcome before ELIMINATING the tiny criminal minority that has subverted peace and ruined all our lives today.

Disseminate this message to all people everywhere -- CO-OPERATION not competition is the key to social success. And keep it simple; the source of all the problems that face us today is clearly identifiable and simple to remedy. The Forbes list is a good start!

A final note to the criminal plutocrats, read this and choke on it -- it's only a matter of time!

attachment Mutual Aid - Kropotkin

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-256.html