Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Brooklyn Bridge For Sale -- Any Offers?
by suzie Saturday, Mar 4 2017, 11:00pm
international / prose / post

It’s a wonder my door isn't being bashed down with prospective buyers, after all, Americans believe the most absurd outrageous lies/fantasies from government that fly in the face of facts and known plausible realities.

First we had the STORY, that Russia hacked the “leaked” Clinton emails and second that Russia interfered directly with the presidential election result; NO PROOF OFFERED at any stage, but plenty of lies, wild impossible claims, conjecture offered from Obama, the Clinton camp and the supporting mass media hype from the Deep State. Now consider, not a word from the NSA that monitors ALL communications especially those of its own politicians and from Russia and China, the silence of a hack from the NSA on this issue is deafening.

Now we have Trump joining the preposterous Hatter’s tea party of seat-of-pants lying and making false preposterous claims, AGAIN, no proof offered but plenty of lunatic twitter rants from the current lunatic president. But why not, the mass media has already softened the brains of the American public, as it is clear they believe the most fantastic stories, without a SHRED of substantive proof, so it’s now a field day of empty claims, hot air and the most ludicrous lies.

But that is only the secondary issue, the principal issue is how gullible is the American public as not a single organised public outrage over these treasonous, subversive lies/actions or the now openly obvious machinations of the Deep State? The plan remains the same, maintain the status quo, which is essentially economic offshoring and ‘perpetual war’ in the vain, megalomaniacal psychotic belief that America is able to rule the world unchallenged, in your fuckin’ dreams, doodles, an implausible aspiration/DREAM if ever there was one, read recorded history for verification, but of course that is problematic for Americans, which society has been digitally trained to be averse to anything that exceeds 150 written characters.

So it’s full (bullshit) speed ahead and may the biggest LIAR and DECEIVER win as clearly Americans deserve everything they get, you useless, intellectually devoid, no-accounts.

Okay, I’m now ready for offers on the bridge, you banjo-playing fuckwits; the world has never seen anything even remotely resembling the current state of the American nation.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2559.html