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Dissonance and Disconnect
by dulcie Monday, Feb 27 2017, 10:21pm
international / prose / post

The overwhelming majority almost automatically accuse today’s politicians of disconnect, that is, they do not ‘feel’ our pain or represent ‘our’ wishes -- how absolutely vain and narcissistic is this view? It’s all about me, isn’t it? Social media have designed it so. So why are ‘MY’ opinions and beliefs ignored? Answer, because the opinions and beliefs of the scoundrels that lied their way into power matter more, yes, it really is about ME! As is extremely apparent today. The world today is an individual self-serving nightmare on the verge of implosion. Understand if you are capable, that coherence is required for any society to persist.

Consider “alternative facts,” which on the face of it seems an absurd expression, but in a ‘ME’ oriented society, a fact becomes another person’s lie, so it was inevitable that someone would soon promote ‘alternative facts’ as reality, which conjuring trick Trump’s inner circle have mastered. Trump is allowed to pathologically lie as those lies are now ‘alternative facts’ -- notwithstanding that a fact today is meaningless, the lying mass media is directly responsible for that outcome. The result is that people have truly lost the plot, it’s over for modern western society, plain to see. All ‘objective evidence’ points to the ‘fact’ -- LOL -- though objectivity is another person’s subjectivity!

Ironical and cynical humour aside, we need not concern ourselves with survival any longer as we have foolishly surrendered our self-determination and God-given personal sovereignty to others; now consider that reality and never complain again about ‘our’ politicians. If we persist in sub-scribing to external (toxic) worldviews, we voluntarily enslave ourselves, and as everyone should know, slaves are subject to their masters, got it, morons?

Closed belief systems and the opposing realities they create are a recipe for failure, whether you believe it or not; harmony and mutual cooperation are prerequisite for the survival of any social group/system. But why believe me, I am simply supplying more ‘alternative facts,’ which your closed belief system would no doubt reject or happily agree with if you are of similar ‘mind’ -- LOL!

Should I dare state that TRUTH is beyond all binary oppositions, that's why it's incorruptible, but I do not expect closed minded ideological SLAVES to understand.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2553.html