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The ‘Post Truth’ Fantasy
by justin Monday, Feb 27 2017, 10:18am
international / prose / post

I had to laugh when the greatest English language torturing nation, America, coined the expression ‘post truth;’ why, because it’s yet another American lie, it implies that a truth age once existed in the past; well, the obvious question is, WHEN?

Since the dawn of recorded history the dominant cultural discourse of any society has relied on LIES, myths and obvious fabrications to justify the enslavement and subsequent management of the masses -- religion is probably the first manifestation/example of organised LYING and myth creation imposed on the people.

Ruling elites, whether theocratic or secular have always depended on lies and the most absurd fantasies in order to maintain THEIR imposed social ‘order,’ elites torture language in order to promote THEIR self-serving values and obscure their crimes.

Take for instance terms like, ‘rendition’ which is illegal kidnapping, or ‘collateral damage,’ which usually disguises murder, but as Richard Nixon stated openly to the media-lobotomised American public, crime is legal when the president is the perpetrator -- what a laugh -- the list of absurd euphemisms that disguise heinous crimes is endless in this age of myths, fantasies and LIES, which actually began when societies developed writing thousands of years past. The Truth is, there has never been a ‘truth age,’ if there was it would have been an enduring, incorruptible paradise, which has never existed but promised by lying religionists, of course after you’re dead; feel free to laugh.

Now, the term ‘post truth’ emerged after Trump was elected president, implying of course that his presidency is integrity devoid, which condition applies to every national leader/government on the planet. Now that’s the truth.

Language is of course the formative force of any culture and so when some clown invents an absurd term or expression stop and think and it would soon become apparent that you are being intentionally manipulated. Point made I hope. If not, consider the fact that the men that wrote the Bill of Rights, extolling, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, WERE ALL SLAVE OWNERS, give reality/TRUTH a break, especially when LIARS are so easily exposed. Have you got it now? All cultures are held together with gossamer word-threads which are easily swept aside.

Fight fire with fire, in this case the word that neutralises all brazen fantasists and mythologisers, is LIAR -- do not be afraid to use it often, as you would have plenty of opportunities in (all) cultures formulated and based on overt lies and propaganda!

Have a nice 'post truth' day.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2552.html