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Can YOU believe those American Morons?
by gemma Friday, Nov 23 2012, 12:21am
international / prose / post

After appalling recent historical events, which include LIES about the illegal bombing of Belgrade and the NATO appropriation of Kosovo, the illegal invasion of Iraq and subsequent CIVILIAN holocaust, remember, "we KNOW" they have WMD, mobile anthrax labs, nuclear materials etc -- all LIES, everything a LIE and the American people still haven't learnt that the nation is run by criminals controlled from Wall St. Where are all the arrests for the greatest murdering criminal fraud of the century?

The Lone Moron
The Lone Moron

Not one US leader has been held to account for their overt brazen LIES and heinous CRIMES -- not bloody one!

Washington is seething with criminals like maggots on a corpse; bought politicians arrogantly boast about large financial backers while the shit-eating American people remain UNREPRESENTED in Washington and still stories and articles appear regularly covering Obama's 'win' in the recent one stable, two horse race for high puppet to the plutocrats. Give yourselves a break dreamboats and shoot yourselves, how on earth could you be so stupid in view of all the absurd events over the past decade, not to mention the 'revise as we go' fake Bin Laden 'assassination' stories -- it took a dozen lying revisions and still you didn't wake, you pathetic star-spangled morons!

It doesn't require an education to SEE the LIES of Iraq and Alice in Wonderland revisions of the Bin Laden 'STORIES'

Recent events today will be viewed by future historians and generations with astonishment -- an entire nation that has been given a frontal lobotomy by a bunch of weak as piss rogues and soft wealthy criminals from Wall St. And if that isn't enough we have the trashing of the founding principles upon which the nation was built with the implementation of the most draconian totalitarian law know to modern history and it was passed by an AMERICAN PRESIDENT in FULL VIEW of the vacuum-headed population -- of course I refer to the indefinite detention of citizens without charge or trail on suspicion! But what else could we expect from a president that boasts a mafia style extra-judicial, 'kill list'! You doodle dandies are truly fucked, probably the most screwed society on the planet.

To conclude, Obama didn't win or Romney lose the presidential election -- the PLUTOCRATS who managed the event won; they always get two terms from their trained puppets!

Obama won 'this' Republicans are doing 'that,' in the 'alternative' press no less -- the joke is on you, MORONS!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-252.html