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Women's March, Hypocrisy and My Refusal to Go Along With It
by Kathleen Murphy via gail - OpEd News Saturday, Jan 21 2017, 9:10pm
international / prose / post

There they were marching, not against needless corporate wars, environmental vandalism, starvation, needless poverty, slavery, injustice, inequality, indefinite detention, rendition and illegal extra-judicial killings but against Trump, who the elite have targeted for removal as he so far hasn't danced to their tune. How does it feel, you profoundly misguided, stupid, nose-ringed puppets of the mass murdering evil elite? March for HUMANITY and JUSTICE, not against insignificant Trump, you mindless, feminist morons. Mobilise against the REAL evil that has hijacked all western democracies, ruined numerous States and SLAUGHTERED millions of innocent men, WOMEN and CHILDREN around the globe. SHAME on you ALL for being so EASILY LED by the Deep State and its mass media apparatuses. Ask Germaine what she thinks, not a bunch of facially paralysed (botox) and sexually exploited 'stars' that made their careers pandering to the sexploitation of media moguls.


I supported Bernie Sanders during the DNC primary and spent a total of 3 days (what I mistakenly thought would only take a few hours) looking up the email addresses of every DNC super-delegate and individually wrote each one of them with only one sentence begging them not to betray the will of the people and tp please switch their super-delegate vote from Hillary to Sanders. It took way too long to do that, but I was terrified of Hillary Clinton starting a nuclear war with Russia.

All throughout the 8 years of Bush Jr's presidency (2000-2008) I gave whatever support I could to those who were exposing and fighting against Bush's policies, only to turn around and watch Obama expand every last one of Bush's ugliest policies and his supporters turn a blind eye while marginalizing the voices of his victims. In every instance, the very same advocacy/news groups, who had been at the forefront of protesting and exposing Bush Jr (and Sr) have publicly stated that Obama has turned out to be worse than Bush at every turn. Of course, the 6 corporations who own over 90% of the media never mention this, and why should they when they loved Bush's policies to begin with.

I did everything humanly possible to prevent BOTH Hillary Clinton and Trump from winning, but the DNC illegally forced Hillary Clinton on the rest of us and voters were literally left with no real choice, thus- Trump won by less votes than Romney had in 2012.

For those who care to venture out of the safe confines of the sports/Hollywood obsessed corporate controlled media group think, it is well documented that both Obama and Hillary Clinton have already done ALL the things we fear most from Trump (sources GlobalResearch.ca, BlackAgendaReport.com, ActivistPost.com). Had Jill Stein NOT been running for president, then I would've been forced to vote for Trump on the off chance that he meant what he said about not going to war with Russia. I was at a complete loss -and I still marvel at which part of "NO" did the Hillary supporters still not understand? [incidentally, while she was Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton helped broker Russia's purchase of 20% of U.S Uranium, which Russia still owns- source 'Russian Agent: who Gave US Uranium to Putin, Trump or Hillary' by Jon Rappoport]

By marginalizing those of us with legitimate concerns about Hillary Clinton and refusing to examine our sources (such as GlobalResearch.ca, BlackAgendaReport.com, or ActivistPost.com) and listen to our concerns about both Obama and Clinton behaving like war-mongering republican psychopaths, dismissing us as "misogynist" or "racist" for pointing out that both Obama and Hillary behave as if they are Bush Sr himself on steroids. It goes without saying that if Hillary hadn't been allowed to get away with election fraud in the DNC primary, that Bernie Sanders would've easily won by a landslide against Trump. Trump's presidency was literally "caused" by those in the DNC, and their enablers in the media, who insisted on forcing Hillary Clinton on the rest of us.

Judging by content of character instead of superficial appearances is already difficult enough, especially when surrounded by sports and Hollywood obsessed people who take their thinking cues strictly from corporate owned media, FOX or MSNBC, but I never imagined my efforts would invite such hateful abuse as being labelled a Trump supporter.

I'm just asking that during this Women's March (which I very much doubt would be occurring if Hillary had won -which is the main reason why the happy, cutesy hypocrisy and ignorance of it all sickens me so much), that people will take into consideration ALL the marginalized women, if not just the people, of the countries who have been on the receiving end of Obama's relentless "humanitarian" drones and bombs for the past 8 years.

If the main complaints about the people of the past, who lived during the height of the KKK or the Nazis, was that barely 0.001% of the unaffected, mostly white, or non-jew populations had the courage to speak out against the atrocities of their day, then things are no different today.

Racism is when other human beings are relegated to such a low rung of subhuman status that their voices do not matter, and when you support corporate media that systematically marginalizes and censors the voices of the countless victims of U.S tax-payer funded atrocities, then you are racist no matter what kind of superficial Equal Opportunity veneer you think you can hide behind.

So, to the women and men who still openly brag about "our nation's first black president," I have to ask, who are any of you to point the finger at Trump when for the last 8 years you have callously ignored all the victims of Obama and Hillary's unspeakably heinous crimes against humanity? www.hamptoninstitution.org/obama-became-bush.html Are the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Macedonia, Serbia, Libya, Ukraine, Somalia etc, so subhuman in your eyes that they're not worth any of your consideration? How would you feel if it was your loved ones you had to watch get blown away on a daily basis by Obama's drones and bombs while people openly cheered him on under the guise of superficial Equal Opportunity facade?

When Obama and Hillary were committing their crimes against humanity you said not one word of protest, or even bothered to listen to what these victims had to say in the non-corporate media, so who are you to suddenly take the moral high ground about "racism" now? Personally, from fear of being shunned or name-called as a Trump supporter, I can only feel shame at myself for not having the courage to speak out sooner.

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sexploiter, Miley Cyrus, media slave
sexploiter, Miley Cyrus, media slave

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sexploiter, Madonna, media slave

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surgically frozen-faced Cher, media diva

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