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Media Propaganda and the Right to Self-Defense
by judd Thursday, Nov 22 2012, 7:27am
international / prose / post

The linked story is typical of the content from most mass media outlets -- they have almost universally portrayed the Gaza conflict as a fair fight when nothing could be further from the truth.

The right to defend oneself from unprovoked attack is universal, however, Israel precipitated this conflict by summarily executing a leading Palestinian figure in Gaza via an American style 'surgical' air-strike, which killed and maimed numerous civilians.

After provoking a retaliatory response from Hamas, Israel then screamed to the international community that it was under attack and was therefore obliged to defend its citizens with its modern and formidable military. And away it went on its killing spree, likening the slaughter to, "cutting the grass!"

We must not forget that the Jewish ideology is racist and exclusivist; the genocidal and clearly sociopathic Jewish God shows no mercy to non-Jews the mass murder of all non-Jews is not only condoned it is encouraged -- see Deuteronomy and Joshua! The current 'grass cutting' is merely the latest expression of this very sick, primitive, brutal culture and pathological religious ideology!

The mass media was loath to highlight the fact that Hamas has no modern military or properly trained troops -- instead headlines and media reports misleadingly gave the impression it was a fair, unprovoked fight!

The following was a typical headline: "Israel, Hamas trade blows in bloody Gaza conflict" -- whereas the truth was a one-sided, deliberately provoked conflict.

Though Israel's excuses were entirely transparent to anyone with a functioning brain, the conflict did highlight a simple fact, which was also affirmed by US president Obama, and that is that any nation has the right to defend itself from foreign attack -- take note all US/NATO occupying and invading forces the next time you are repelled by the freedom fighters of occupied lands!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-250.html