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Women of the World March and save your Cunts from Groping by Trump
by sal Saturday, Jan 21 2017, 5:44am
international / prose / post

Surely it would be preferable if women joined the rest of the informed world, as opposed to the nose-ringed, easily led, by elite interests, masses. But why unite with humanity and purge the REAL enemy? Divisionism in any form allows certain insignificant groups to share a modicum of notoriety with the real rulers of the world, never mind the fact that a chance for real change is presented, not Obama’s fake change, which amounted to conforming and accelerating the elite’s status quo. Real change as offered unknowingly by Trump regardless of all his frailties and idiocies, is an opportunity not to be forsaken by a bunch of misguided, divisive feminists.


So where are all these women headed, pussy power maybe (hold your nose), NO, serving the interests of those that utilise segmented lobby groups to achieve a pre-planned result -- you profoundly dumb, stupid bitches. But march and make it a good demonstration of your desire to maintain the divide and conquer strategies of the elite.

Yes indeed ‘ladies,’ you have been baited with simple sexist triggers, so go for it and prove my point about how easily manipulated you are.

You should be marching against inequity, inequality, war, debt-slavery and elite rule, when will you ever learn? Trump is an irrelevance presented as something meaningful, idiots!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2499.html