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Cor Blimey, Just take a look at Trump’s Selections for Official Posts
by gus Friday, Jan 13 2017, 10:41pm
international / prose / post

Rex Tillerson, a former oil company CEO with no diplomatic or foreign policy background for Sec. of State is enough to make any real politician choke. He was questioned by Senator Menendez at the confirmation hearing regarding discussions he should have had with his future boss and commander-in-chief Donald Trump regarding foreign policy and came up blank, and this appointee is to be Secretary of State, it’s enough to curdle any diplomat’s blood.

Rex Tillerson
Rex Tillerson

Here’s a few quotes:

Senator Menendez: "For all of these answers you've given me, does the president-elect agree with you?"

Rex Tillerson: "The president-elect and I have not had the opportunity to discuss this specific issue or this specific area."

Senator Menendez: "Well, in your statement on page three, you say, 'In his campaign, president-elect Trump proposed a bold new commitment to advancing American interests in our foreign policy. I hope to explain what this approach means and how I'd implement that policy if I am confirmed as Secretary of State.' I assumed to some degree you've had some discussion about what it is that that world view is going to be in order to understand whether you are willing to execute that on behalf of the person you're going to work for?"

Rex Tillerson: "In a broad construct and in terms of the principles that are going to guide that, yes, sir."

Senator Menendez: "I would have thought Russia would be at the very top of that, considering all that's taken place. Did that not happen?"

Rex Tillerson: "That has not occurred yet, Senator."

Senator Menendez: "That's pretty amazing."

Now combine the above clueless vacuity with Tillerson’s amateurish and outrageously provocative comments about China and the USA can look forward to a totally dysfunctional, grossly incompetent and very dangerous government.

Fortunately other world powers have experienced and COMPETENT person’s filling critically important government positions. Nevertheless, those nations have made it abundantly clear that they will not tolerate any forms of aggression from the USA.

It all adds up to a very disturbing outcome -- perhaps shooting Trump is not a bad idea after all, as the Deep State is not going to allow any interruption to its world domination status quo. Trump must either completely capitulate to the un-elected, unrepresentative ‘shadow government’ or risk overthrow one way or another, including assassination if he puts up a good fight. Regardless, the last thing the world needs is the world’s most invasive, civilian killing, militaristic nation being led by amateurs, nut cases and those that have no clue about their responsibilities.

Good luck world -- perhaps now you are able to see that not prosecuting the USA for its numerous and flagrant crimes against humanity and other sovereign nations was a very bad blunder.

Well, as they say, ‘you have made your bed ...’

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2485.html