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Obama Quietly Signs the “... Propaganda Act” -- establishing 'Ministry of Truth,' into Law
by jane - Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge Sunday, Dec 25 2016, 11:08pm
international / prose / post

Well, it's done and not a ruffle from the enslaved herd, which was planned and anticipated with a Christmas signing.

The only way this 'law' could function is with a corrupt judiciary, as leading mainstream media outlets are the principal offenders, historically proven, though they will be exempt. But not YOU and your differing opinion to the mainstream narrative, be aware that patriotic citizens will soon be obliged to report you to the new American Stasi State for opposing perpetual war and championing peace, for example.

The signing of this act is tantamount to the absurdity of declaring war on the noun 'terror,' which allows the USA to accuse anyone that doesn't support its narrative as an enemy. So watch what you say, lamers, as anyone with a grudge, as happened in East Germany will report you.

But to more practical matters -- for instance, a clear definition of "news" is now required, a difficult proposition for any lawyer. Clearly, 'fake' news decisions will be arbitrary as there is no other way to validly assess Truth and alternative views. So it's simply another law created to suppress unwanted, compromising, (truthful) information and allow elite criminals more freedom to commit their heinous crimes against humanity and western society.

This law is yet another example of a society that has lost its moral code, values, INTEGRITY and spine.

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2460.html