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Political Assassination Spree
by russ Sunday, Nov 18 2012, 10:51am
international / prose / post

Today its called, "We came, we saw, he died" -- Hillary Clinton

It was during the 60's social revolution that the shadowy conservative executive ruling class gave the order and goodbye Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King jr and a host of other lesser known activists. They didn't stop with political activists; rebel pop stars started going down, Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, later Lennon. Coincidence you think when every one of these victims was against mainstream conservatism -- think again! That era saw more political assassinations than any other period in American history and only a fool would think it coincidence.

MLK and Malcolm X -- the will to freedom NEVER dies!
MLK and Malcolm X -- the will to freedom NEVER dies!

Today we have a nation that pursues a perpetual war ideology and boasts a president that summarily executes people on his secret kill list. Conservative Christian fundamentalism has gained a foothold in American social life and politics -- the conservatives seem to have come a long way since those early days of social change and mass assassinations.

Are we able to see a pattern? Not one real alternative political direction has occurred since the 60's regardless of which party occupies the White House -- yes indeed, the exact same murderous conservative forces are at work ruining our lives and nations today.

Well, they didn't get everyone in the 60's, my parents survived the purges and raised me to fight the conservative forces that are attempting to take global control.

It is another era, one that offers far more effective weapons to battle the mass murdering forces that have taken control of western democracies.

New eras require new weapons and tactics; our greatest weapons are anonymity, stealth, cunning and speed, our field of battle is the Cybersphere -- our conservative opponents are bereft of these skills and are forced to engage 5th rate hackers to defend their system. Our forces are formidable and grow while theirs diminish.

Just when the murdering forces of conservatism thought they had it in the bag we came along and demonstrated that the will to freedom never dies regardless of their constant attempts at oppression -- indefinite detention, ubiquitous surveillance etc. Our 'group' has been active for a decade and NOT ONE of us has ever been fingered by the man - do not get suckered into revealing ANYTHING about yourself, especially your name, EVER -- it's only going to get tighter in the future.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-246.html