Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by jas Wednesday, Dec 21 2016, 11:25pm
international / poetry / post

upon the cosmic waves
that never break
forever pushing into eternity
the universe unfolds before the
single open eye

limitless is this ride
into the continuum
no shore to impede
or location to anchor
freedom in its truest sense;

be careful how you use that word
as only heroes are able
to unbind their chains and take flight
into the forever

you speak of freedom but know only
one confine to another,
freedom from what, i would ask,
do you know?

political, social or more personal,
freedom from torment, anguish,
dissatisfaction and despair,
yet these confines are all related
we imprison ourselves daily and cry or whimper

but how many could really withstand perpetual
uncertainty or no safe place to find rest though real
rest involves the action of freedom

are you able?
it seems not,
the simple act of removing the chains of perversity,
criminal government and its orchestrated
wars for profit -- are clearly beyond your capability
so how do you expect to gain your real freedom?

to own all the valueless ‘wealth’ of the world
only to cast the everlasting soul into
a maze of delusions/illusions is the epitome
of perversity

freedom requires that you understand perversity
and its traps and the courage to defy the status quo --
are you really able?

clearly not,
so suffer like the cowering dogs you are
in personal and social torment
be content with baubles, beads
and the deserved pain of your cowardice,
the gates of paradise do not admit cowards

you do not qualify to enter the everlasting,
until you become aware of that which confines you
only then could you hope to break the enslaving chains
that prevent you flying heavenward
into paradise

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2457.html