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'Expert' Subversives
by dalit Tuesday, Dec 20 2016, 4:59am
international / prose / post

The current explosion of claims and counter claims relating to Hillary losing the election and Trump supporting the Russians and the Russians hacking emails etc are clearly planned, as the timing gives the game away, especially attempts to destroy Trump in the later stages of the run-up to the vote. Numerous SIMULTANEOUS attacks on a number of fronts are evident. Remember ‘Fake News,’ which is an obvious attack on free speech and opposing opinions, and of course the obvious attack on DEMOCRACY by criminal intel agencies that claim they KNOW (no proof offered) that the Russians hacked and interfered with the presidential election, which of course would compromise Trump -- they desperately hope.

Forget the orchestrated obvious media and agency crap but note that ‘expert’ subversives do launch numerous attacks simultaneously as is evident now, as I write.

Multiple simultaneous attacks are a strategy designed to burden the public with numerous severe/important problems that perplex and confuse which results in the public just retiring from it all, which allows nefarious forces to get away with murder, literally, which of course manifests as the drone war happily continuing in the background by imperial executive decree.

Now a few glaring facts. If ‘Fake News’ censorship were to be enforced the mainstream media would go out of business, the grossly partial support given to Hillary by the mainstream and the crude attempts to destroy Trump constitute the grossest form of fake news ever witnessed in the USA, it was all biased propaganda designed to steer public opinion in a particular direction but Trump prevailed to everyone’s disbelief and shock. Trump is clearly not to be underestimated. He’s not as dumb as he acts or looks. So now we have a concerted attempt, which some describe as a coup in progress, against the democratically elected president.

Powerful shadowy interests, which refuse to acknowledge the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to elect a person of THEIR choice to lead the country, are outraged that THEIR mass media failed to deal with upstart Trump. What that means, though you will never find it in the mass media, is that subversive forces exist in the USA that defy every sacred principle upon which the nation was founded. However, as is evident, there’s no reaction from the over-burdened troubled public simply due to the fact that it’s all too much to digest let alone remedy by direct action, which action is encouraged in founding documents.

The solution is of course simplicity itself, disregard ALL the garbage issuing from the privately owned mainstream media and focus on a single objective/solution that eliminates most if not all the current created confusion and subversive elements within, at once.

These nefarious forces are NOT hiding they act in plain sight as this method is psychologically proven to be effective. When the Bush administration LIED through its teeth and committed the most heinous criminal acts of the century, people, aware of the LIES and CRIMES, just accepted it all, which is tragic to say the least, as it only reinforces criminal elements which are now BRAZENLY attempting to subvert the people’s choice for president.

Consider the FACT that NO proof or evidence has been forthcoming in support of the absurd claims that Putin himself was involved in the (fantasy) hacking on DNC emails -- unsubstantiated CLAIMS is all the public is offered, CLAIMS now supported by puppet Obama who has clearly been ordered to support these hollow claims in the hope this manoeuvre would somehow endow the hollow claims with some credibility.

However, as is plain to see, Obama provided NO EVIDENCE in support of his verbal attacks on a nuclear superpower, think about that, which would lend credence to the notion that the presidency is owned and that any person that manages to prevail over the forces that control US society is under threat of attack by subversive forces, which the current ‘coup’ against Trump seems to verify; it should also be noted that the main overt actors in this coup are the FBI and CIA but not the most important and critical surveillance agency, the NSA, which fact is worthy of some note as clearly not everyone is on board with this dastardly, transparent elite plan.

So who does the mass media, CIA, FBI, Pentagon really work for and SERVE as clearly it’s NOT the nation and people?

Indeed, it is as everyone should know by now, BIG MONEY, which reduces to the corporate and Wall St. banker elite -- these are the SUBVERSIVE elements/forces THAT SPIT ON DEMOCRACY and think nothing of millions of innocent human casualties, which to them are an acceptable cost in their pursuit of the single manic aim of increasing their wealth/power/PROFITS. Also, it now appears that these nefarious forces spit on the US population, as is currently evident by the rather transparent and feeble attempts to compromise the people’s choice, Donald Trump. This is what the American ruling elite/deep state really thinks of democracy and the people/nation.

If you as a citizens with rights and inalienable democratic prerogatives, the principal being the RIGHT to select the nation’s leader, accept the current attempts to subvert everything that America holds sacred without intervention or remedial action, then you MUST accept criminal rule and its consequences. Also bear in mind that all these obvious subversive actions amount to TREASON.

It really is not too difficult a problem to solve as it could all be proven, simply because many people that work in these agencies do NOT share the beliefs of their corrupt chiefs and leaders, and as we know TREASON is one of the most serious offences any individual could face as the USA retains the death penalty for these offences.

In other words the ruling elite have placed their agency puppets and government stooges in an extremely precarious position, assuring them, no doubt, with more bullshit in the form of, it would never come to a treason trial; BUT as these desperate times indicate -- I wouldn’t be so sure, and as we are all aware, the elite consider all their puppets as expendable fall guys -- how does it feel, SUCKERS?

The seeds of revolution have already been sown by the elite themselves by grossly attempting to restore their power over the nation, which attempt is doomed to fail with the next presidential inauguration, if it’s not TRUMP. Any intimidation attempts on Trump are easily countered with his new presidential imperial powers. So my ‘fine’ un-feathered elite enemies, you’re damned if you do AND damned if you don’t -- just perfect, couldn’t have planned it better myself, but please give it your best shot, literally!

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