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Apple iPhone, Big Brother's Surveillance Wet Dream becomes Reality
by george Sunday, Nov 18 2012, 12:07am
international / prose / post

One wonders for whom these latest euphemistically named, 'presence technologies,' are designed to benefit most! The latest patent application by Apple involves ID 'ing users based on heart rate, skin tone, breathing rates and face recognition technologies, including an auto zooming camera to keep the face in focus as it moves -- give my anonymity and PRIVACY a break please! It is clear that these outrageous surveillance features or 'presence sensors' are designed for integrated, centralised surveillance by 'Big Brother' -- the minimal real benefits for users do not warrant the EXTREME INTRUSIVENESS by any stretch of the imagination.


We noted with some concern the undocumented, at the time, and unpublicised keylogging facility Apple iPhones had inbuilt -- nice ay! Every message and password to everything is accessible by Apple and others on order or request!

We thought that level of intrusiveness was beyond the pale considering that police refused to locate stolen Apple devices for citizens but eagerly used its inbuilt GPS and unique id code features to locate you if THEY wanted!

However, these latest developments LEAVE NO DOUBT whatsoever as to the interests backing the development of these technologies and who REALLY stands to benefit at the end of the day.

Personally, I feel we have reached the end of the line regarding assaults on privacy and grotesque INTRUSIONS into user affairs. A smart telco/communications company could benefit immensely by simply selling an inexpensive 'dumb' phone with user essential features ONLY -- no doubt a huge market is being CREATED, even as I write!

Report from SKY News follows:

Apple moves ahead with presence sensing

Apple has applied to patent a new system to allow phones or other devices to recognise users by detecting skin tone, heartbeat, breath patterns or even recognising faces.

The innovation, lodged with the US Patent and Trademark Office, 'reveals their ongoing work in advancing presence technology'.

The patent application is examined in detail on the website Patently Apple, which describes itself as 'celebrating Apple's spirit of innovation'.

It says: 'Being that this is Apple's third detailed presence related patent, we could safely say that it's becoming an important trend worth noting going forward.'

Patently Apple says: 'Apple began their work on this project back in October 2009 and followed through with an extensive patent application in December 2011.

'In their latter application, Apple was exploring the use of sonar technology and in their current work Apple reveals a number of other sensors being considered such as radar.'

It adds: 'According to Apple, radar is sensitive enough to detect a user's heartbeat in a room. Another kind of sensor listed could detect carbon dioxide emissions from a user's breath.'

The system will reportedly provide new and faster 'awake' functionality, better power saving modes and even advance display interactions with a user.

In one example, Patently Apple says, Apple states that as a user physically moves toward or away from their display, the imagery on their display will automatically zoom in or out.

Patently Apple also reports on a less exciting but possibly just as useful technology the company is working on.

It is developing a feature that will stop an iPhone from falling off a hard surface when it is left on vibrate.

© 2012 Australian News Channel Pty Ltd

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-245.html