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Open Message to Google Chairman, Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt
by shirl Saturday, Nov 17 2012, 10:07pm
international / prose / post

We note that the three word search string -- Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt -- which occurs on this and other sites has mysteriously disappeared from Google searches. I mean really Eric, 'sweetie', you big girl, are you really so thin-skinned or would you care to explain the wonders of this new 'algorithm' to the WORLD -- LOL! We're simply highlighting once again that Google hasn't learned a thing, bad habits die hard it seems -- manually intervening to suppress or CENSOR data got you in hot water with anti-trust regulators all over the WORLD, Eric.

Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt

Which ever way you look at it, 'sweetie,' you're one big TRAGIC girl! Let's hope your Bilderberg associates do not view your personality pathologies/weaknesses as a threat -- they may soon begin to view you as an unnecessary liability!

Now, Eric darling, don't try and hide behind what appears to be a homophobic attack cos we have many gays and lesbians in our 'organisation.' I would alert you to the FACT that Alexander the Great and most of his generals were fags but they were also MEN of strong CHARACTER -- I would also refer you to diminutive in stature, but GIANT of a man, homosexual BRADLEY MANNING, HERO of OUR TIME -- you pathetic little girl, Schmidt!

Also, take note, we are aware of most of your data suppressing/censoring tricks, 'sweetie' -- think LITIGATION, think, FLOODGATES! We serve the IT industry sweetie, in more ways than you could ever imagine. You should see us in our day jobs, we're standing right next to you -- LOL -- disconcerting isn't it? What the fuck did you imagine we were, sweetie, damaged goods like yourself?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-244.html