Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by peony Friday, Dec 9 2016, 9:58am
international / poetry / post

keep ur stinking guns
that spit bullets, death
and destruction --
such weapons have never improved civilisation
ruination is their name

nothing constructive issues from blade or barrel
adore not nor depend on that which ruins humanity

nations are transformed by words,
no sacred text or document was written by gun or sword,
inspirational words transform and elevate
every poet makes a mockery of armies
and warrior kings
castrated by their own weapons

with every report that sounds from a barrel
the click of keyboard overcomes;
true, the pen is mightier than sword and gun
but ubiquitous keyboard is mightier still

killers realise far too late they have lost,
dying the death of a billion clicks
that rattle the brain and mind of foes
as they issue from all directions

with each semantic artifice
a battalion is overcome
another general defeated --
“you will never succeed” said Ho prophetically
his words continue to vanquish
the star-spangled foe

a fired cartridge is spent but
a metaphor endures forever
so choose ur weapon wisely citizen
weave majesty, justice and liberation
with spoken and written word
and you will never be defeated

Truth, peace and Love
expressed and thus supported
cannot be overcome

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2439.html