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Federal investigation into Paedophilia in Oz Religious Institutions
by lawler Saturday, Nov 17 2012, 10:04am
international / prose / post

Forced by political pressure and circumstance, nationally despised, unrepresentative Oz PM, Juliar 'carbon tax, five US bases' Gillard, has been forced to hold a Royal Commission into institutionalised paedophilia in the Catholic Church and other major religious organisations. God knows the public has been patient, waiting hundreds of years for such an inquiry and for justice to finally be served on the reprehensible filth that hide behind clerical garb to satisfy their perverted desires.

My only regret is that we are not able to subject the guilty to the wonderful devices developed by the Catholic Inquisition to torture my pagan ancestors in Europe -- though personally I would settle for a modern blow torch on the genitals prior to castration; but we are 'civilised' today, that's why we have drone warfare and new laws that provide for indefinite detention without trial or charge and extra-judicial, kill lists!

Note the perversity of modern culture; the Oz PM is only conducting an inquiry into a despicable crime but allows former PM John Howard, a proven mass murderer of INNOCENT CHILDREN (Iraq) to remain free.

The inquiry into sexual abuse in mainstream religion is welcome and necessary, as it may lead to a more comprehensive investigation into the socially parasitic practices of all mainstream religions.

Gillard may not have realised it at the time but the Royal Commission indirectly assists her by undermining Jesuit trained, arch conservative, Catholic opposition leader and errand boy for Cardinal Pell, Tony Abbott.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-243.html