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Democracy my Arse!
by jo Sunday, Nov 13 2016, 11:02pm
international / prose / post

Anyone that claims that we live in a democracy is either a liar or deluded -- name one western society that is a democracy, which, by definition, is characterised by MAJORITY rule, either by direct PARTICIPATION or by REAL representation. The rude shock for all western dreamboats is no such system prevails in any western nation. ALL winning political parties, though making the most absurd pre-election promises, instantly capitulate to MINORITY interests once they take office -- FACT, and the sooner you confirm that REALITY the better chance you and your respective nation have of surviving unrepresentative, enslaving, elite rule; which interests today have all western societies tightly harnessed via DEBT SLAVERY and MEDIA management, which mechanisms are elite owned.

But please think, you are debt-enslaved by worthless, un-pegged, toilet paper money that is printed from thin air on demand by the interests which YOU have allowed to steal your freedom, happiness and joy; AND YOU WEAR it! Give me a break, what sort of ‘water' are you drinking?

Imagine allowing private interests to print money, especially the world’s default currency (the greenback) and lend it to your governments at interest which YOU pay, it’s tantamout to giving those interests unlimited power and a license to steal, as today’s ‘currencies’ are nothing more than digital imprints in cyberspace or worthless, un-pegged, paper bills. What a tragic farce/lie/confidence trick, is currently being played on BILLIONS of people by elite interests.

Now before you start playing the blame game and looking outside yourself for a throat to wring, realise that YOU allow this monstrous farce/con to continue; yes, YOU! There is no way this ridiculous absurdity would exist without CONSENT, which YOU knowingly or unknowingly grant to elite interests; or perhaps I should ask you how a few hundred co-operating, greedy, money-printing pigs could hope to prevail against billions of people? They clearly cannot without subservience and passive CONSENT from YOU. So take responsibility for your life before you start pointing the finger at a scapegoat or other presented cardboard-cutout enemy, which presentations are used deftly by elite interests to distract YOU from the REAL enemy, THEM, the shadowy elites that own every western government on the planet.

So it’s a very simple matter indeed to restore ALL democracies that have been hijacked by elite interests. You are BILLIONS and THEY are only a few THOUSAND, including their LYING political servants. What I’m stating plainly is that FREEDOM from your pain and deprivation is simply a DECISION away. But I know you’re all afraid because you have been led to believe you are alone and helpless; HOWEVER, REALITY DICTATES otherwise, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Billions share your PAIN and CIRCUMSTANCES, you are already unified in despair, frustration AND financial enslavement, so why not be unified in JUSTICE rather than despair etc, your jailer exists in your head only. Nevertheless, the psychological ‘chains’ that bind are no stronger than wet toilet paper unless YOU believe otherwise. Are you really so WEAK and GULLIBLE? I think not, and I am one of YOU!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2412.html