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The Elitism of Jesus Christ
by ben Tuesday, Oct 18 2016, 1:06am
international / prose / post

Mixed with all the exploits and revolutionary ambitions of JC, is outright elitism, in the form of ‘many are called but few are chosen,’ or how about, ‘do not cast pearls before swine -- a rather harsh metaphor -- and let’s not forget, ‘let the dead bury the dead’ -- dead indeed, another extremely harsh expression. So we must ask what was this, not so meek, man’s attitude to the blind of, ‘blind leading the blind,’ the ignorant, uninformed, deceived masses, of course notwithstanding that JC clearly was an elitist, but not of elite material wealth and power, a new, other worldly elite that understood 'his' elitist teachings. So those that followed him, whether of low social standing or not, could be 'special,' exceptional -- a nice confidence trick to offer the powerless, to say the least.


The result is as we see it today, Christianity is one of the world’s major religions, though most Christians are shameless hypocrites, but they are elite, at least in their own minds. How does this compare to Islam or other Abrahamic religions? Fairly well I would think, as all Abrahamic religions follow an elitist agenda and kill and murder to preserve their clearly reprehensible, anti-social beliefs.

But what to do with the ‘dead, blind’ masses, the vast majority, regarded as swine by JC? Disregard them if they do not listen to an elitist message or should we embrace them and demonstrate their blindness and the error of theirs ways?

It is interesting to make a comparison between the elite and masses of today. Many socially aware communicators throughout the world scream TRUTH from internet rooftops, many attempt to rouse the masses or at least make them aware of the nasty reality they face, but to what avail? NONE it would seem. The ‘dead and blind’ majority are truly lost in a prescribed, managed, media-created dreamworld which serves the purposes and agenda of an evil, monied, war mongering, media-owning elite.

However, as anyone that reads and writes these alternative messages would inform you, their message falls on deaf ears. Indeed, JC was right, the majority are blind and lost in various media created delusions and their own weaknesses/vices today as in JC's time, though the media apparatuses of JC’s time were temples and corrupt priests/clerics, a constant target of JC, I would add.

Though I do not agree with JC’s derogatory descriptions of the lost majority, I must admit he and other great religious leaders throughout history got it right, the majority are as dumb as shit and have the acuity of a gnat; but didn’t the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator/God make it so? So if you believe that JC is God then he clearly rigged the game as the creator could have gifted all humans with a stronger character and more innate awareness, but clearly, whichever mythic God you believe in, he didn’t! Some people are extremely perceptive and others can barely add 2+ 2.

So who is this sadistic God that allows the vast majority to suffer and fall into a pit? But maybe that’s the wrong (though valid) question, a trick the deceitful media utilises almost daily. Perhaps the right question is, are the masses to be disregarded and exploited as beasts (swines) or is the majority less than human and therefore expendable? Well, it seems they are, according to Christianity, which is also a belief common to all world political leaders today I would emphasise. And as is obvious, there is nothing holy about political leaders especially if we take note of what the USA presents to the WORLD, two candidates from the sewer of humanity contending for the highest office in the land.

I hope my comparison between church and state as essentially being two sides of the SAME filthy coin reaches at least a few of the ‘blind.’ Perhaps we would all be better off without elitist religions and elitist governments?


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2379.html