Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Impaired Recall
by jess Thursday, Aug 18 2016, 11:38pm
international / prose / post

No, the title is not a movie, it’s a fact/reality. Today, the mainstream media is in the business of misinformation overload. The result is that media consumers suffer from memory short circuits, usually to the point that memories are wiped clean every 24 hours. If anyone doubts this new social phenomenon then simply try and recall the time when Obama normalised mafia murder tactics by making allowances for the president to compile secret ‘kill lists’ and then murder anyone anywhere on the planet who was/is on the hit list. To say these tactics and actions are illegal is gross understatement, yet Obama today is able to commit the most horrendous crimes with impunity. Previous, now aged generations, stand horrified at the complete lack of moral fibre today’s generations openly display.

Now try and recall a time when such ‘executive actions’ were actually ILLEGAL in the USA and you would discover that only a few decades past were such OBVIOUS crimes, unquestionably criminal and anyone, including the president, that committed such crimes was immediately held to account by an outraged public -- think Richard Nixon who was forced to resign in disgrace over a beak and enter (Watergate).

However, today the mass MURDER of innocents has become acceptable to current generations, and woe be to them, as they will inherit a hell on earth. Today, the masses accept the most heinous crimes committed by their leaders in silence and so the situation can only get worse, plain to see.

If I listed all the new acceptable crimes it would fill two A4 pages in short form -- torture, indefinite detention, rendition (kidnapping) without charge or access to lawyers, illegal wars, sponsoring terrorists and on it goes. But where are YOU while these numerous crimes are being committed daily? Are you able to remember your name, as you are clearly unable to remember what our fathers fought and died for and what characteristics a moral, honourable, law-abiding leader and NATION should possess?

Some people are perplexed by social prophets such as George Orwell, which are simply persons that can add 2+2 and therefore are able to see, not only the nose on their face, but obvious social consequences for current actions and inactions. And I’m not about to spell out the easily determined future for YOU, because you simply do not deserve to know.

Though it is perhaps worth mentioning that the so-called ‘other’ is now YOU!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2334.html