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Australian Servility Reaches All-Time Record
by ned Tuesday, Nov 13 2012, 11:07am
international / prose / post

Stephen 'kneepads' Smith, renowned groveller to the US, leads other Australian official lackeys in welcoming known sociopath, "we came, we saw, he died," Hillary Clinton, to our sacred land.

Lunatic Clinton in Perth flanked by 'kneepads' Smith and WA Premier, Colin Barnett (Left)
Lunatic Clinton in Perth flanked by 'kneepads' Smith and WA Premier, Colin Barnett (Left)

It was not enough that spineless sycophant John Howard supported that criminal nation in its illegal invasion of Iraq, now we must endure our gutless politicians openly kowtowing to a murdering lunatic; how many more damaged Americans will pollute our sacred soil before we realise we should be arresting these criminals not grovelling to them?

Previous to Hillary Clinton polluting our shores we had Madeleine Albright infamously stating on American 60 minutes that killing 500,000 Iraqi children via medical embargoes and sanctions was, "worth it!"

It is time Australia, to take stock and consider that the US has recently passed into law the most draconian totalitarian act, which surpasses anything the former USSR or 'Red' China would dare include in their statutes, ie., indefinite detention without charge or trial based on suspicion!

America TODAY is also a nation that views an extra-judicial mafia-style 'kill list' as a badge of honour. When news of Obama's kill list first became public, Republican John McCain asked the rhetorical question, to paraphrase, 'ask yourself who "benefits" from the leaked news, of an extra-judicial kill list?' "BENEFITS," for Christ's sake! Most civilised, moral nations are appalled by the rapid decline of American society and its thoroughly depraved and corrupt criminal leadership.

Rather than welcome American psychopaths to our shores we should be arresting them for the heinous crimes they have committed against humanity.

Contrasting our traditional Oz values -- which the vast majority of Aussies cherish -- with the sordid values of our thoroughly corrupt and treasonous politicians, becomes a necessity at times.

We need no Queen, God or Imperialist overlord; we are mostly a just, fair, egalitarian society and honourable nation, which has always upheld the highest principles and ideals -- conservative racists excepted. It is clear we need to send an unambiguous message to our COWARDLY, traitorous politicians in Canberra.

Boycott the two (corrupt) major parties; Vote REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office at every Federal and State election. Our nation is returned to the PEOPLE thereby!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-233.html