Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

You Look But You Do Not See
by val Thursday, Aug 11 2016, 3:12am
international / prose / post

Consider stark REALITY, for once! A rogue nation, the identity of which should become obvious, has illegally, militarily intervened in numerous nations over the past two decades, the RESULT: those nations, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan TODAY are cot cases in every sense and YET these military interventions were presented to the people as liberating, democracy was to displace stable dictatorships and those nations were meant to prosper under the 'guiding hand' of the rogue nation. However as is starkly EVIDENT, anarchy and massive violent destabilisation prevails in those nations, and yet the clearly criminal -- with the highest civilian killing rate in the world -- rogue nation, leads the western world and involves a host of nations in its own crimes.

THE REALITY, as opposed to transparent propaganda, is that America creates ruin and catastrophe wherever it intervenes, obvious FACT! Now recall the feeble propaganda guise presented to the people for these military interventions, ‘humanitarian’ and overtly illegal, under international law, ‘regime change.’

Now/today, the ‘undeniable’ (if you’re sane) REALITY becomes clear, no democracy, no protection of civilians, no humanitarian relief, only the murder of former leaders, the ruining of once STABLE States and the rapid rise of terrorist activity. These once economically prosperous and stable sovereign States for the most part, are today living hells for their respective populations and this reality we are expected to believe as “freedom and democracy.” Now, if you are sane, and able to add 2+2, what does “spreading democracy and freedom” really mean for local populations? A hell on earth, thank you very much AMERICA for your ignoble, clearly criminal actions and pathetic mass deceiving LIES!

So with the above facts firmly established in the world of reality -- the population of which is extremely small -- consider the western nations that the rogue, criminal nation considers to be ALLIES, and we note, for the ignorant, that an ally is a sovereign nation that VOLUNTARILY aligns itself to another nation, yet the nations in question that ‘ally’ themselves with America are clearly servile VASSALS of America, of course led by servile, TREASONOUS, puppet governments that comply with every dictate from a FOREIGN power! What I’m saying is that vassals are not ALLIES, as the pretence goes, they are enslaved either economically or militarily (or both) by the master nation. Indeed, which free moral nation today would call itself a real ally of the world’s leading civilian killing, rogue (law flouting and chaos creating) nation? None I would hope, which begs the question, why does this obvious criminal ruse persist? Answer: the respective populations of these vassal nations, which could easily deal with the problem under existing local laws, do not possess the wherewithall, COURAGE and mental acuity to remedy their appalling ENSLAVEMENT to a clearly criminal State.

Most of Europe and the Baltics via NATO, are vassals to the USA, NOT sovereign States which they PRETEND to be, as indeed are Southern Pacific western nations, Australia and New Zealand, the two most acquiescent, servile, western nations of them ALL.

What a pathetic troubled world our inaction and ignorance have created, due primarily to not being able to add 2+2 and perceiving REALITY as it is!

I would conclude by stating the obvious, which few appreciate today; if the masses persist in being so easily deceived and living in a media-induced dreamworld that dream would soon become a nightmare for the entire world, as the pattern set by the rogue nation is VERY CLEAR INDEED.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2327.html