Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

How the Elite Owned Mass Media Easily Dupes the Public
by liz Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 11:26pm
international / prose / post

And the Abysmal Social Failure of Millennials

Distraction and the mind-wiping 24 hour ‘news’ cycle are the principal means today’s mass media employs to shift the focus of the public away from critically important issues to meaningless/fabricated, emotively hyped threats/titillation. Now, choke on this outrageous story which has not been pursued by ANY mass media outlet. Heinous war crimes committed by Tony Blair and his government and G W Bush and his administration remain un-prosecuted!


Today it is widely known that these governments and the Australian Howard government flagrantly LIED to the public regarding threats from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Incontrovertible evidence from recorded history but particularly from public statements made by these war criminal political leaders, such as, Iraq had a 45 minute capability of attacking Britain, or that “we know Saddam has WMD" and Australia’s contribution, Saddam has appropriated aluminium tubing specifically utilised for nuclear weapons manufacture -- total fabricated and ORCHESTRATED LIES, all of it, which (lying) wouldn't be so bad except for the FACT that these war criminals are DIRECTLY responsible for the mass murder of up to a million innocent civilians, the displacement of five million people and the RUIN of a once stable NATION.

Now stick with it, which I know is difficult for the disengaged ‘me’ generations or millennials. These three political groups/nations constituted what was known as “The Coalition of the Willing,” as the UN and international support for illegal, pre-emptive wars and ‘regime change’ was non-existent at the time. So, this three nation cabal went at it anyway breaking so many local and international laws that this short paper would bloat listing them all, however, please feel free to research this BLATANT criminal enterprise yourselves and confirm without doubt the criminal nature of this ‘coalition’ of lying, nefarious political leaders -- there is no disputing the overwhelming facts! YET the principals involved have never faced the courts though the evidence is overwhelming. WHY?

In short, the elite owned mass media has saved these scoundrels from accountability and justice, which was, in the very recent past, DEMANDED by the public/courts. The scoundrels in question are all alive and well TODAY and continue to arrogantly flaunt their freedom and impunity from the law.

The FAILURE here is clear, the once relatively independent mass media failed to pursue the issue/case until it would have been forced, by public outrage and demand, into the courts, as was Watergate and the citizen-forced cessation to the illegal Vietnam war. Also, to make matters worse, especially for disengaged millennials, the guilty accused are faced with an impossible task, that of attempting to justify so many BREACHES of local AND international law AND attempting to eliminate from the record huge volumes of damning evidence/LIES, which reality, makes prosecution a cinch, notwithstanding that certain elite dark forces would be exposed and culpable if they attempted to save their expendable political puppets. However, while the mass media today maintains its distractive policies and forever offers inane ‘newstainment,’ the majority remains entranced and blind to justice and its social responsibility. The point here is that if justice and public WILL are seen to fail, criminals in high office would CONTINUE pursuing criminal enterprises, Libya, Syria etc and destabilising the entire world; it should also be noted that these malevolent, criminal psychopaths are also planning a nuclear war as I write. So, if the need to pursue justice is NOT clear now it never will be! Pursuing JUSTICE is not an act of vengeance or vendetta, it’s principal function is to DETER future CRIME, which is escalating and will continue to escalate, until ACTION is TAKEN.

Now, a brief note on recent events and the supremely USELESS ‘me’ generations. Mature citizens were astounded to see millennials after the Brexit success, complain bitterly how their lives/futures have been “ruined” and disadvantaged by the Leave win; this entitlement-addicted spoilt class were whinging and whining as usual, HOWEVER, only 30% of millennials participated in the vote! So, who did you digitally-enslaved, selfie-taking idiots imagine would vote in your interests? If you wish to change the status quo YOU MUST PARTICIPATE as a recognised force, make your voices heard! Also, only 30% of millennials in Australia have registered to vote in the current Federal elections, however, almost all this class cites that voting is a waste of time! Well, do NOT complain when policies and outcomes disadvantage you further, you deserve the world you inherit and everything you do not get!

Never has any society in human history produced such a USELESS, pathetic social class as the narcissistic, self-absorbed, entitlement-addicted, gutless, ‘millennials!’

Are we now all able to see how the nefarious, privately owned mass media EASILY protects war criminals and pursues criminal (elite) agendas for profit and CONSTANTLY dupes the public while shafting citizens the whole while?

So here’s the REALITY pill, the public/masses remain the most powerful social force on the planet, how do you collective clowns feel now? Lemme guess, click!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2280.html