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Google's gmail, the Surveillance State and the Petraeus Affair
by Pfc Saturday, Nov 10 2012, 9:24pm
international / prose / post

Discussion and rumour rages over the facts (see link) that led to the demise of war criminal David Petraeus; however, the most socially important aspects of the case are either glossed over or overlooked entirely. I refer to the now out-of-control Surveillance State -- who is watching the watchers when the highest officials in the land are cut asunder by control freaks, voyeurs and anal petty bureaucrats?

Obama and Petraeus
Obama and Petraeus

What is not unclear is that Google, specifically gmail in this instance, is a principal party to the breaches of privacy that occurred and for those who are unaware of Google affiliates and associates be informed that former CEO now chairman, Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt, is a regular attendee at Bilderberg meetings.

Bilderberg is a shadowy group of policy makers that dictate policy to ALL western governments; their view and attitude toward 'elected' puppet leaders and other heads of State departments, including the crucial Pentagon, is as masters to slaves/servants -- that has been made abundantly clear today, as no attempt to suppress this information from the public was made -- which 'was' the usual practice when high officials are compromised!

We are able to witness a bunch of bumbling incompetents, voyeurs, perverts and petty bureaucrats in lesser departments and positions exercise their power over the State to its great detriment; I say this because David Petraeus is highly regarded within officialdom; notwithstanding he remains a war criminal in a legal sense; however, the focus here is on the incompetent and perverted tendencies of voyeuristic bureaucrats that are acutely aware of their new EXPANDING powers.

Well, we have all just been given a demonstration and lesson in the failings of a surveillance, fascist State that also boasts, extra-judicial kill lists and indefinite detention without charge or trial.

Personally I think the American people deserve it all and more to come.

The American PEOPLE (gutless wimps and cowards) are legally obliged by the Bill of Rights and Constitution to protect THEIR nation and FORCIBLY remove this filth from power -- will the population remain alienated and divided BY DESIGN forever?

I invite anyone to confront Google's Eric Schmidt and view first hand what a pathetic little faggot shit, he REALLY is. Now what do you think 'your' Bilderberg attending president Obama, is going to do about it, suckers? LOL!

Follow link below for additional details.

"Investigators began looking into Ms. Broadwell, a West Point graduate who wrote a biography of Mr. Petraeus, and over a period of months examined emails that initially suggested Mr. Petraeus's private Gmail account had been breached, these people said." [Emphasis added]


Petraeus and 'that' woman
Petraeus and 'that' woman

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-228.html