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Hysteria Grips Markets after Brexit
by tan Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 1:27am
international / prose / post

Despite assurances from Wall Street, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi, and Britain’s Finance Minister, world markets are in a frenzy. Nevertheless, rational human beings -- unlike neurotic, hysterical, skittish brokers and traders -- are acutely aware that nothing in the real world has changed, trade deals remain, legal obligations/contracts etc, etc, remain in tact, so, what is the key to these losses, unstable currencies, credit downgrades, etc, and not to forget the GAINS made by the mega-wealthy few? Answer, the game is rigged, MANIPULATION -- there is no such thing as the ‘free’ market, the proof is in your face.

First, understand that money doesn’t evaporate, it goes somewhere, one person’s loss is anothers GAIN -- simply follow the money, particularly the GAINS and you will soon discover the mega-banks and huge hedge and other funds are making a killing -- an accident or wise investment strategy? Not likely, clearly, the FIX is in! There’s nothing like a real or FABRICATED crisis that allows criminal bankers/mega-investors to fill their coffers at the expense of others.

Again I stress, there is no change in real structural mechanisms, the events we are currently witnessing have been orchestrated by avaricious, white-collar CRIMINALS -- plain to see!

Any average fool that invests in stock markets imagining their money is safe, is gullible to the extreme, it’s about as stable and safe as the wind or rather, a fart, fact! Assess the current situation for yourselves and when things stabilise withdraw and invest in REAL assets that YOU manage.

Now, if a human behaved like today’s irrational markets it would be institutionalised and placed on medication. However, the behaviour of unstable entities is literally banked on by the criminal interests that own/control the ‘free’ market.

Take a glimpse of the current hysteria below:

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2279.html