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The Hollow Men of Australian Politics
by jaxie Friday, Jun 10 2016, 12:32am
international / prose / post

Australians should be thankful that Turnbull’s imbecile advisors pulled one of the longest election campaigns in Oz history as it has demonstrated to the people, in no uncertain terms, the real state of our useless, lacklustre incompetent, LYING politicians, with particular emphasis on the two major party leaders.


Not one mainstream journalist dares to tell the truth; this prolonged election has exposed the major parties and their leaders, as visionless, consultant/slogan captured, bumbling FOOLS -- obvious!

Both leaders are so disconnected from ground reality and the Australian people that they are both unaware what thorough idiots they are making of themselves. They continue to avoid the detail of issues and refuse to SUBSTANTIATE their hollow babble/claims and furthermore, they imagine no-one notices - lol! Well, the Australian people may have news for them come polling day.

Never in Oz history have the Australian people witnessed such a pathetic performance from the majors and their puppet leaders, and with reference to the Libs, CHILDISH SCARE TACTICS, which of course their imbecile advisors have told them work! Well, they may in lobotomised America, but Oz continues to rely on its once high education standards, even though the Libs, and to a lesser extent, Labor, are chasing the user-pays, substandard American model. It would take at least two generations to dumb down the Oz public to the level of Americans, the dumbest, most ill-informed population in the developed world.

So what do we have in Oz as I write, two transparent incompetent leaders making thorough lying arses of themselves, DAILY!

The result of course is predictable, people are moving away from the major parties in droves -- and for very good obvious reasons, Mr Shorten and Mr Turnbull.

Now, Australians have noted that both major party leaders are now in a panic over this reality, which of course THEY created. So both majors have resorted to scare campaigns in relation to voting for anyone other than them. We have heard, and will continue to hear that the sky would fall in and other 'horrors' if we VOTE for competent REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS or other candidates with INTEGRITY -- if you believe the unadulterated shit that flows from the mouths of major party politicians, then please apply for US citizenship!

Notice how both leaders are now using these childish scare tactics, as if the sky would fall in if we vote for real representatives not lying, sellout, clown politicians.

Okay, to the point, rather than fall for these infantile tactics, Australia must SCARE the SHIT out of the MAJORS in order to return our nation to a semblance of what it once was, an advanced manufacturing/technological society, abreast with the world. Both major parties have allowed our viable industries to fail by not supporting necessary development. Both majors are responsible for the ruinous state they have placed the nation in today -- and they CONTINUE to offer NO viable solutions, except of course kowtowing to their corporate masters, yes, including Labor.

By withdrawing support from the majors, they would be forced to place competent leaders at the helm, not disconnected narcissists or worker sellouts, Mr ‘no comment’ Shorten on the treachery of the SDA supporting corporations against workers.

The major parties are thoroughly corrupt internally, paralysed by factions and interest groups, simply take note of the transformation of Malcolm Turnbull, who clearly has the integrity of a whore. No-one should ever compromise their beliefs and character simply to get their portrait hung in parliament house -- Turnbull, quite clearly, is not worth a pinch of shit. He may be able to run rings around ABC journalists, but he certainly is not able to fool the Australian people.

The point is Shorten was un-electable until Turnbull revealed himself as a spineless, integrity-devoid jellyfish with no character whatsoever. And now look at the tragic State of Affairs in the nation. Oz is going backwards at speed due to successive, incompetent, wasteful governments of either stripe.

The solution of course is also clear, Australia MUST shock/SCARE our parliamentarians into REALITY and this is clearly achieved by withdrawing ALL support from the majors. There is no lack of talent in Oz, what there is, is captured major parties that kowtow to various unrepresentative influences that block talent from rising in the ranks if they do not toe the RUINOUS, nation-destroying, party line. That is what is ruining OUR nation, mafia politics; these interests are short term thinkers, they grab the money and run and leave the Australian nation to do its best with a bunch of useless, servile, political PUPPETS -- Well, NO MORE!

[Share this piece with other concerned Australian citizens.]


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2261.html