Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Who Would Make The Better PM?
by baz Tuesday, Jun 7 2016, 1:04am
international / prose / post

I lifted this from an American alt-media site -- it was too funny not to share with readers, tho with Oz substitutes.

Integrity-devoid, incompetent lying puppets
Integrity-devoid, incompetent lying puppets

Who Would Make The Best PM?

Puppet Malcolm Turnbull: 2.6%

Puppet Bill Shorten: 2.4%

Baked Potato: 95%


Teach treacherous, lying, incompetent major parties a lesson they will never forget. Vote representative independents into office, Australia; do not waste your vote on corporate owned, puppet major parties that routinely sellout the people.

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And the winner is ...
And the winner is ...

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2258.html