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The Oz Farcical and Idiotic Tragic Elections
by mitch Saturday, May 28 2016, 3:39am
international / prose / post

Richard Marles, opposition front bencher has called Barnaby Joyce an “absolute idiot” for linking the flow of boat people from Indonesia to the cessation of live cattle exports. Joyce claimed that Indonesia uses boat people politically, and guess what? He’s right, though not in the appropriate context. The (Asian) Indonesians are acutely aware that ‘the boats’ are a political raw nerve in Oz so they exploit it whenever they are peeved with any local policy – as history CLEARLY indicates.

Whenever Indonesia wishes to manipulate Oz politicians/policies they DO use ‘the boats’ politically on our xenophobic culture. Asians are keenly aware of our weaknesses and exploit them whenever they choose, now where does that fault lie? Yes, with Australia, for not dealing with refugees in a humanitarian fashion like other developed, civilised nations. Sensible policies including advanced coastal surveillance and RAN measures deal with this issue effectively on Indonesian maritime borders, not our waters or shores. Internationally acceptable preventative measures – not offshore indefinite detention – would ensure the integrity of maritime and land borders AND would neutralise any attempt by Indonesia to blackmail us with fleets of boat people, our surveillance measures on/in Indonesia remain very strong and that includes intelligence operatives, not the politically motivated servile AFP.

Oz currently bends over backwards to placate Indonesia, again as history indicates, especially closing the case on the Balibo five, a group of Aussie journalists slaughtered in cold blood by Indonesian special forces in East Timor in the 70’s – it was ‘big, brave’ Tony Abbott that closed the case and capitulated to Indonesia, much to the joy and relief of guilty Indonesian high officials that were directly responsible for these war crimes – justice has not been served as the NSW Corner’s Report clearly indicates.

And who is responsible for that? The gutless and incompetent major parties since and including Gough Whitlam, a Labor hero, who was very aware of the perpetrators of these crimes; Oz ‘Sigs,’ which were monitoring Indonesian communications at the time (I ought to know) has all the evidence required to arrest and try the murderers named by the NSW Coroner, but of course we are dealing with spineless politicians that behave like kids in a schoolyard, not statesmen and women.

The current election campaign has been reduced to an infantile slanging match between the talent-devoid major parties while the entire world watches in disbelief, yes, it has come to this, shame on you Australia.

Then it was feeble narcissistic Turnbull’s turn to hurl abuse at opposition leader Shorten for calling Donald Trump, “barking mad,” which statement according to international civilised standards is correct, however, in America, the world’s leading law flouting, civilian killing therefore terrorist by definition, nation, Trump is a hero and has secured the Republican nomination for president; Trump, judged in context is quintessentially American, criminal by nature, crass, racist, xenophobic, politically inept and a showman/demagogue addicted to slogans NOT solutions, but slogans win elections in media lobotomised America (puppets to the Banker, Wall St and mega-wealthy elite are required not smart politicians, Trump will do what he’s told or suffer the same fate as JFK. The mega-wealthy elite have ruled the US, behind the scenes, for decades; so it matters little who becomes president in that criminal, undemocratic nation. However, Turnbull jumped at the chance to defend Trump by stating openly to Aussies -- which are fully aware of America’s social and criminal INSANITY – and claimed that the criminal USA is the most important nation to Australia, well, that depends on whether Oz continues to elect knee-walking leaders with no spine, acumen or ability into office.

I need not state that Australia occupies one of the most critically strategic regions in the world today and any politician with minimal skills would be able to take very good advantage of that reality by playing the superpowers off, however, all Aussies have witnessed to date is both major parties knee-walking to criminal Washington; Gillard went to the extreme of allowing Australia to be occupied by American military forces which wish to use our once neutral nation as a launch pad for their nuclear armed bombers and nuclear powered naval vessels. But has the population realised how very dangerous it is to elect buffoons and spineless knee-walking puppets to power, not yet but they ARE slowly waking, not the least reason is due to the pathetic antics of both major parties and their kindy attempts to compromise each other rather than serve the PEOPLE of AUSTRALIA, which both parties seem to ignore -- who in Oz do these tragic, pathetic, dangerous and infantile major parties represent, not even my pet Australian budgie, but to the enslaving, avaricious, rorting corporate elite they are ever faithful?

The (proven) warmongering crazy yanks, which are directly responsible for the worst refugee crisis since WWII, have been granted the use of all our major ports, airfields and military installations, furthermore, American military forces now OPENLY occupy Australia, which was once a sovereign nation not the vassal it is today – all this has been GIFTED to the yanks by spineless politicians for very little in return, in fact, once neutral Australia, has now become a primary nuclear target due to the obsequiousness of our gutless, inept, politicians.

The longer this election campaign continues the more openly tragic the situation becomes for Aussies, so in order to restore this nation ALL SUPPORT FOR THE MAJOR PARTIES MUST BE WITHDRAWN, neither major party represents the people; it was Keating who deregulated the financial/banking sector which allowed white collar rogues to inflict parasitic fees for everything and defraud/scam the people, which are now forced, via engineered debt-slavery (stagnant wage policies) to become no more than peasants and slave workers for corporate interests which sector Turnbull’s budget clearly supports while ignoring more than 75% of the struggling population – how this lame puppet hopes to gain the popular vote by favouring the corporate minority is truly curious, as his lies, deceit and unsubstantiated, empty slogans won’t get him his portrait in parliament house.

Clearly, before this election is over the stark reality of bought (donations from the corporates) major parties will become evident to almost all Aussies. And they will react as Australia has had enough of this infantile game of tit for tat slanging from the major parties, which couldn’t govern a hen house let alone a lucky till now, nation.

Vote for the drover’s dog before you waste a vote on Lab/Lib infantile, pathologically lying, INTEGRITY DEVOID, incompetent buffoons. Turnbull will regret the day he outsmarted himself by calling a DD early election as he would have sailed in had he gone full term. But as we know manipulators and liars always bring themselves undone. Let the tragic circus continue till polling day. Australia is awake and thoroughly disgusted!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2246.html