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Malcolm Turnbull’s “Jobs and Growth” BIG LIE!
by baz Wednesday, May 25 2016, 10:52am
international / prose / post

Surely Aussies are not as stupid as yanks, which population constantly falls for empty and meaningless slogans. So let’s put Turnbull’s HUGE LIE to the test.

All we here from the lying (proven) Libs is “jobs and growth,” these proven lying clowns have based their entire election bid on the hope that Aussies will fall for an EMPTY, UNSUBSTANTIATED SLOGAN like the moronic yanks, whose education and social awareness levels are among the lowest in the developed world in contrast to Australia’s, which was one of the highest but is steadily declining as a result of both major parties adopting the user pays American model and starving the tertiary sector of funds which forces them to decrease standards in favour of fee paying international students, but that’s another important story, here we shall blow Turnbull’s bull out of the water with reality and facts, which are always avoided by mainstream professional politicians especially those addicted to marketing and advertising ‘perception management’ tricks.

First we must focus on Turnbull’s INTEGRITY or now, the lack thereof; Aussies have all noticed the dramatic change in Turnbull who obviously sold his narcissistic soul to become PM, he has abandoned his previous stance and policies in favour of the ultra-conservative faction of his party which has him by the balls -- plain to see -- where is the real Malcolm, nowhere to be found today? Turnbull has been trounced by his party which takes its strategies and direction from US trained consultants which have promised Turnbull that empty, unsubstantiated slogans work, as they clearly do in America, however, Aussies are not banjo-playing uneducated morons. We see the bullshit when it comes flying in our direction, and respond accordingly, let’s take an expression from OUR culture as an example; Aussies have a fine and fitting expression for person’s like Abbott and Turnbull, as that is what Turnbull has become, Abbott but with a lawyer’s smooth talking, lying tongue.

When anyone attempts to con an Aussie we respond, “don’t come the raw prawn with me,” ya gotta love this place and culture, it’s the best, and I wasn’t even born here, that’s why I know. For those not yet familiar with Aussie vernacular, you would note a RAW prawn is not edible it cannot be consumed yet it has a semblance to something that can be consumed, in other words someone is trying to con you.

Now if ‘jobs and growth’ were really so important to Turnbull and the Libs why did they close down the automotive sector and leave all those skilled workers to do their best on unemployment queues, and note they were also ready to destroy our ship building sector before their own parliamentarians realised they would lose seats, but you can be sure of one thing, it’s just another con, as most of the work will be offshore and our local workers will lose out on growth opportunities (new necessary advanced technology skills) in that sector?

No mainstream media journo dares ask REAL questions of Turnbull, the business elite’s choice, Turnbull’s turn-around already betrays him as a spineless, integrity-devoid puppet. Turnbull has only recently been forced to allow Alan Jones (2GB) to question him. Turnbull is shit scared of Jones whose anti-corporate position on fracking is well known as fracking destroys nationally critical arable land, pollutes our rivers AND our water table, and be assured clean water will become the gold of the near future, not paper currency, which Turnbull expertly shuffles. Not one mainstream journo has the guts to take Turnbull to task, you see the media is owned by the elite business class and they protect their chosen puppets. However, this elite MINORITY has no chance against an AWARE MAJORITY, which continues to possess the power to install and sack governments -- take note lying, INTEGRITY DEVOID politicians, you are ALL transparent today.

Now let’s play real journalist, I know, I have a degree with a journalism major from a leading tertiary institution. How many journos have asked Turnbull to back his ‘jobs and growth’ slogan with projections based on convincing modelling, real world examples or plain facts, you see, Turnbull has adopted the antiquated, FAILED ‘trickle down economics’ of the past, WHICH FAILED MISERABLY as the more breaks and fund injections the elite receives the more they take advantage and hog everything they get; supporting the paper-shuffling elite DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN to the real economy, the elite by nature hog everything they get, this is an historical proven fact; today the world endures the widest disparity of wealth it has ever known -- that is REAL, in contrast to Turnbull’s LIES about fantasy ‘jobs and growth’ it’s nothing but unsubstantiated HOT AIR, fit only for moron yanks, not socially aware Aussies.

Who has asked Turnbull to produce modelling on his dreamworld increase in jobs and growth, which sectors would have the most gains in jobs and growth, and which would suffer? Please Malcolm, give real world examples where giving breaks to the elite business sector and ignoring 75% of workers (the engine of the real economy) in your budget works, cos none exist! ‘Jobs and growth,’ my Aussie arse, unless of course YOU PROVIDE PROOF; however, Turnbull the lawyer fancies himself a mesmerist, he hopes to hypnotise an entire population with a slogan and VESTED mass media support because so far there’s NO SUBSTANCE whatsoever to any of his and his party’s claims.

No mainstream journo from the elite owned mass media would ask sensitive questions of either candidate, and show them up as charlatans, as both parties receive $millions in political ‘donations’ from the corporate sector, in other words the business elite own both major parties, make no mistake, simply look at who really supports them financially. So it’s no surprise that mass media’s editorial policy is not to be too hard on our puppet leaders, otherwise they would be unemployable, most media editors today have already sold their arses to keep their jobs and so the public must dig to find the truth, which never issues from the mouths of media protected politicians.

So Mr Turnbull, how does your party’s action of destroying the local automotive industry increase ‘jobs and growth’, or offshoring jobs to exploited workers in developing nations? Now, those two Liberal policies alone have helped destroy Australia’s manufacturing sector and furthermore, it denies our youth/population the opportunity to learn new skills required for today’s competitive world. The ACTIONS of the Liberals speak decibels louder than Turnbull’s empty, unsubstantiated words, however, Turnbull has been assured that repeating a big lie often enough becomes accepted as truth (Joseph Goebbels) while REAL TRUTH, closing down manufacturing/production and offshoring jobs somehow must be ignored, otherwise Turnbull may be seen for exactly what he is, an elite serving puppet and cheap LIAR.

Well, Aussies are nothing if not finely tuned to REALITY, that’s how we succeeded in building this nation. CAPABILITY, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION built this nation, Malcolm, not paper shuffling and rorting the financial system, which, ‘printing money from thin air’ is now ready to destroy the global economy if the truth be known!

I would also remind readers that the entire world economy is based on valueless paper currency printed on demand from unproductive thin AIR in New York and then lent out to its ‘Reserve Bank’ affiliates around the world, including Oz, at interest, do you like that elite scam?

You see, the current western tendency to rort the system has caught up on the rorters, so now they are required to plunder real assets such as education and depriving workers of real opportunity while maintaining depressed wages, which now are below viable rates, especially in view of unregulated price hikes by the corporate sector; you see, Malcolm’s mates want it all, and Turnbull is ready to give it to them, clearly evident in his corporate serving budget, meanwhile, health care and the social safety net are copping a hiding cos government revenue coffers are depleted due primarily to tax-avoiding corporates not shouldering their social RESPONSIBILITY, what’s that, they say? That is why we elect governments, to serve the nation not minority, PARASITIC elites. BUT, alas, while lying, duplicitous Liberal and Labor politicians rule there’s no chance of a fair deal or national progress.

So do your lying, duplicitous best Canberra pollies, cos in Oz, you’re all on the nose and the population now has your measure, especially yours Mr Turnbull, look into my eyes, “jobs and growth, jobs and growth, jobs and growth” -- LOL!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2244.html