Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Why ALL Doctrines and Ideologies FAIL
by sonny Monday, May 23 2016, 11:27am
international / prose / post

Indeed, the proof is in your face. Religion is a failure. Capitalism and Socialism are failures, all doctrinaire, encoded superimpositions on human nature inevitably fail, WHY? Can you guess, because deliberative thought would lead you astray, understand? Doctrines and Ideologies are the fruits of thought and just look at the blood curdling ‘success’ rates of thought-out doctrines on how we should live and structure our lives/societies.

Now to hint at the solution. Do birds of the air and foxes of the field think and outline how they must live, not a chance, nature has predetermined their natural responses and survival mechanisms and so it is with humans. Though we are alone as a species as we are the only species able to overrule our natural survival instincts and formulate perverse patterns of unsustainable behaviour.

So we must accept, for the sake of simplicity, a binary within ourselves, that of a harmonious, sustainable impulse and an unsustainable anti-survival impulse, and throughout our brief history in this age, anti-survival patterns have reigned supreme, read our short history since writing was developed, human nature has never changed.

Religions have tussled with this binary, all of them, the encoders of which personified the ‘anti’ inclination as the diabolical or Satanic, while maintaining that the positive survival element was God, who must be obeyed and whose man made tenets must be adhered to -- though of course nature has already encoded within our being the correct survival mechanism, which put simply is harmony and respect for all things, there’s no stewardship or over-lording the natural world as is stated in the Torah, nature is perfect and fine tuned. And so we tussle with our man made perverse Gods/ideologies, narratives which are essentially a mixture of ‘good and bad’ HUMAN TRAITS, however, all our man made Gods, are ready to kill unbelievers or deviants from the prescription (a very interesting word), which behaviour has been manifest throughout history. You see, man, humankind cannot escape its inherent binary, the good vs evil tussle. The God of the Torah is a homicidal maniac, plain to see, as sick as they come, and two other major world religions subscribe to the same God, their pattern of violent behaviour mimic each other.

No human society that spontaneously follows internal, unwritten patterns to survive has ever existed in our age, but that is not to say such a society has never existed, but that’s another involved story.

So to return to our current dilemma. To seek outside ourselves guarantees failure, especially seeking solutions from books or oral traditions, all of which are products of thought and culture (which is simply thought manifest) neither are required to express nature’s pattern of harmonious, sustainable survival.

Humanity has been caught in its own perverse web of intentional and unintentional deceit, we must face the fact that any superimposition on consciousness, doctrine or ideology is immediately doomed as it locks in certain antiquated behaviour patterns, I offer history for verification of this simple fact, it’s similar to a person writing a suicide note before expiration. And so, in order to survive inculcated perversity we must return to ourselves and trust our positive instincts, conscience and integrity should lead the way back to the ‘light,’ as the world is in the darkest age in its human history. All our ‘achievements’ have simply added to our collective failure, in fact we have achieved nothing as the tiniest insect and flower, make a mockery of all our 'achievements,' they prove they are far more successful than humans.

What to do? Now that is a trick question, as astute readers would detect; the answer is readily available, anyone that attempts to provide one is either a liar and/or deluded, you must follow your own course after you face yourself as a complete failure, that fact (failure) must first be recognised as ignoring it would only produce more of the same destructive patterns.

If you wake to yourself, I will meet you in Shangri-la, if you do not I’m sorry, I am unable to meet or see you in oblivion.

If you allow your life to flow like a mountain breeze, you would experience the bliss of harmonious creation. All obstructions are easily overcome and solutions to current dilemmas offer themselves immediately as you would become fearless, you'll just have to take my word for that. Though better still, prove it for yourself, I offer no magic solution or mapped direction which can be followed. You are both the problem and the solution, make YOUR choice.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2242.html