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Oz Elections and Budget: No Breaks or Relief for MAJORITY of Aussies
by darcy Saturday, May 7 2016, 11:11pm
international / prose / post

Turnbull is playing his declining polls by calling an early election and has foolishly ignored the plight of average Aussies -- the voting MAJORITY -- in his do-nothing for the people disgraceful, UNFAIR budget, however, his party, as usual, offers breaks for those that do not need it -- it will cost him and his lying, heartless party dearly.

Tough Luck Aussie battlers
Tough Luck Aussie battlers

Haughty Turnbull is a member of the wealthy elite and of course takes care of his own at the expense of the people and nation, though he is supported by the elite-owned mass media, however, people know when they are being screwed and will react, as it is they that pay a very high price for conservative dog-eat-dog un-AUSTRALIAN politics. Not one reversal on Abbott’s harsh, heartless, UNFAIR and cruel policies targeting average Aussies and the vulnerable in the community, the burden is always placed entirely on their backs by the conservatives.

Turnbull has allowed the private corporate sector to run rampant, as leap-frogging prices for EVERYTHING indicate, however, wages in real terms have remained STAGNANT for over 15 years, an intolerable situation that MUST be addressed.

Labor has made a little effort in that regard but not nearly enough, so the election will be fought by the elite-owned lying mass media supporting Turnbull with LIES, and the not so easily duped Oz public. The ignored, hard-done-by and taken for granted Australian public will inform the respective parties in no uncertain terms what they think of all the babble and double-talk and no REAL results over years of inept and wasteful leadership. The only relief for the people has been in regions and areas where independents have been elected into office -- something not to be forgotten!

So essentially this is how the options present:

- A vote for the Libs is a vote for the wealthy, dishonest, elite minority.

- A vote for Labor is only marginally better for the people.

- However, where your vote really counts is a vote for a representative INDEPENDENT that only has the concerns of the people to deal with -- in contrast to major party ideology constraints.

In other words, the safest vote is for INDEPENDENTS, not the Greens, which have done a dirty deal with the Libs -- vote REAL INDEPENDENTS into office in BOTH houses, only they represent you and YOUR interests. The destructive circus of regressive major party politics MUST END and a clear message MUST be sent to those that take the AUSTRALIAN MAJORITY for granted.

Democracy means MAJORITY RULE -- so exercise YOUR prerogative and RESTORE AUSTRALIA when the time comes.

[Share this message with all concerned citizens.]

Lost opportunity to represent the people
Lost opportunity to represent the people

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2225.html