Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

NATO Turkey -- Criminal State
by darcy Monday, May 2 2016, 12:11am
international / prose / post

You are known by the company you keep, Brussels/Washington

The relationship between ISIS (Saudi/US proxy fighting group) and Turkey couldn't be closer, no surprise for the informed. The following video adds to the already indisputable criminal connection between ISIS and NATO Turkey. Now watch the lies, omissions and feeble propaganda that issues from the CFR controlled western mass media.

"The signs will be there for all to read
When man shall do most heinous deed
Man will ruin kinder lives
By taking them as to their wives.

And murder foul and brutal deed
When man will only think of greed.
And man shall walk as if asleep
He does not look - he many not peep
And iron men the tail shall do
And iron cart and carriage too.

The kings shall false promise make
And talk just for talking's sake
And nations plan horrific war
The like as never seen before
And taxes rise and lively down
And nations wear perpetual frown."

Read entire poem here.

This following video released by RT tells it from the ground in Northern Syria and what a truly sad story. Thank you Washington and Brussels for all the needless mayhem and murder. Please continue to support the heart of international terrorism, Saudi Arabia, and its complicit criminal ally, NATO Turkey.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2222.html