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Bradley Manning Plea Deal admits to Exposing US War Crimes
by dan Thursday, Nov 8 2012, 10:56am
international / prose / post

Hero of our time and conscience of the American people, Bradley Manning, admits to exposing US war crimes in a plea deal. Nevertheless, we have grave concerns that a miscarriage of justice is occurring under our very noses and that Manning's legal representation is party to his 'railroading.' The only way to fight the Manning case is to uncompromisingly and relentlessly attack the State and its criminal military apparatus.


One need not have a degree in law to understand a simple legal fact, and that is that the accused, the Pentagon, cannot sit in judgment of the accuser, Manning, as is occurring at present.

It should also be noted that the President of the criminal United States, who boasts an extra-judicial kill list, has condemned Manning as guilty in an open media interview when no determination of a plea had been made -- but this is to be expected in a criminal, rogue State -- historical precedents were set in Nazi Germany and are today being emulated by Obama's USA! It's time to take stock and support Manning, you vacuum-headed American cowards!

The only (remote) chance of a fair trial would be before the people in a civil court; notwithstanding that justice has not been served in the USA for a number of decades.

So to re-iterate and heap praise where it's due; our highest regard and respect goes out to diminutive in statue, but giant in spirit and heart, Bradley Manning -- and fuck you Assange, you thoroughly gutless piece of shit!

The history books will never close on Bradley Manning HERO in a world of amoral cowards and self-centered egoists.

Pfc Manning, WE salute you!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-222.html