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Reality Pills and American Imperialism
by zed Wednesday, Nov 7 2012, 8:09pm
international / prose / post

At the outset we need to establish a reality; the Sino-Russian military alliance is able to stop the Syrian or any other illegal conflict the USA has fomented. The real question that should be asked is why have both Russia and China failed to support their Balkan, African and other allies in the face of onslaughts by criminal western powers -- almost all the interventions of the past decade have been illegal? That means contrary to numerous international laws and conventions. So why hasn't China and Russia justifiably and legally intervened? Answer: because their leaderships are part of the problem!

Standing down western powers is a simple matter of making firm threats including nuclear responses. In other words get the fuck out or we'll reduce continental America to ash, clear?

Understand there are many high ranking officials and military men who share this view and an unflinching resolve to stop the USA -- it is the CORRUPT and BOUGHT political leaders that prevent remedial action.

So we are now confronted with a plain reality; it is the GLOBAL masses, THE PEOPLE, [remember them?] against the plutocrats and the puppet leaders they have bought and own!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-220.html