Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

From Here to There
by jas Wednesday, Mar 2 2016, 9:09am
international / poetry / post

here we are again
sad or happy
as the case may be
but it’s to no avail
the world, or rather humankind,
is locked in a nihilistic trajectory -
cause for alarm
surely not,
things are born to die on this plane
of what concern is the inevitable?
though of course mindless destruction
could always be avoided by
allowing the inner desire for continuity
to override the beast within us all.

our leaders appeal to the lowest possible
denominators, reward-punishment, fear-safety
and receive enormous traction for their meager
efforts, why should they appeal
to sense and reason,
notwithstanding they are incapable of either?

be mindful of consequences
the price we pay for freedom
is perversity and self-destruction
seems paradoxical but not so
it’s a matter of awareness

only when our leaders are mocked
for their infantile behaviour
and simplistic rhetoric
would we be rid of futility,
meaninglessness and self-annihilation,
beings with purpose in accord
understand harmony and peace
they never self-destruct

when you wake up and jettison cultural
perversity your leaders’ words
would fall on deaf ears
and the power invested in them by you
would evaporate, you would see them
as they are,
evil, tragic, clowns.

concern yourselves with continuity,
the wonder of infinity
not apparent beginnings and endings
on this forsaken plane
dare I mention illusion stacked upon illusion
forming a mountain that towers above Everest?
you need not climb it as it is illusory -

your feelings of continuity arise from elsewhere
definitely not this plane/place of confusion,
discover from whence you came and not only
would you avoid inevitable collapse
and certain destruction
but you would discover Life and Harmony
the nature of continuity.

but of course I am discoursing to the dead,
it’s to no avail, those that see have no concerns
those that are blind must be led.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2147.html