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Ideological and Doctrinal Racism
by reg Friday, Nov 2 2012, 8:20am
international / prose / post

Most people are aware of an ugly open fact but remain silent; but not this dude, baby! A Truth is a FACT and one Truth is stronger than all the lies in the world, Jews are doctrinal and practicing RACISTS!


Jews, but especially Zionist Jews are exclusivist RACISTS, pure and simple, they follow a blood line as dictated by their perverse God who also sanctions genocide of all non-Jews and the wholesale slaughter of almost everything, including livestock, dogs, cats, etc., (see Deuteronomy and Joshua.)

The CIVILISED world of reformed INCLUSIVE religions is dealing with a primitive EXCLUSIVIST, GENOCIDAL ideology/religion which was historically REFORMED by Jesus Christ!

However, an inordinate amount of Zionist Jews continue to have huge influence on Wall St and in Washington to the great cost of the peace of the world.

We need not be afraid to call a spade a spade and accuse a RACIST when we see one -- especially DOCTRINAL racists, as opposed to drunken Friday night big mouths.

Zionist Jews (especially those connected to the 'Chicago school' of Leo Strauss) are behind the aggression and permanent war ideology the USA pursues today. However, that direction clearly does not reflect the wishes and desires of the civilised global MAJORITY that subscribe to the all-inclusive, reformed religions of Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.

I need not emphasise that primitive, violent and supremely RACIST religions require immediate reform; furthermore, adherents to barbaric, primitive doctrines should never be allowed to occupy any position of influence or power in any civilised society.

The question I/we should put to Wall St and Washington is who allows unrepresentative MINORITY racists and mass murderers to control the economy and influence national politics?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-212.html