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The US and its Crapulous Creeds
by don Sunday, Feb 14 2016, 10:12pm
international / prose / post

Get real America! This ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ and ‘Pax Americana’ are the stuff of psychopaths and madmen, and there have been plenty before the neocons, the most recent of course, The Third, ‘thousand year’ Reich, and where did that end in a few short years? The same place all the other world-conquering despots, ‘would be’s,’ mass murderers and megalomaniacs throughout history ended, total ruin and death, so what’s the future for the US? Doh!

So today America’s lunacy has pushed the world to the precipice of nuclear war, but has anyone woken to the fact, ding, ding! Is anybody out there? I know, I’m aware of the media induced social malaise, it’s only a rhetorical plea. Beside a handful of commentators and analysts it’s Rip Van Winkle time for the rest! But what a rude, well deserved, awakening awaits the mindless herd.

There are numerous solutions to today’s woes but the most effective is to simply waking up to the fact that a nefarious criminal minority have taken control of ALL our governments and are dictating policy/insanity to their political front men/puppets . It’s laughable to watch various western leaders reading from the same script with only a few textual variations so as not to sound too much like the parrots they are. I mean, I’m no genius, but I smelled a rat after 9/11 and before that the Kennedy assassinations. But the worst most transparent performance was that NATO clown with a Scottish accent declaring eternal allegiance to the US after 9/11, “an attack on one is an attack on all!” And here we are today, permanent criminal wars since the orchestrated Balkan intervention, all following the same tired tactical formula, fabricate an excuse, demonize the target and intervene militarily, and if that fails utilise ultra-right extremist groups as pawns and proxy fighters; are YOU able to see the nose on your face, sheeple? O sorry, what’s a nose you say? I should have known.

n’way this is just a therapeutic rant, so don’t judge it, though it’s factual nevertheless; it does me good to blow off steam every now and then. I am painfully aware that any endeavor to pursue reason, sanity and sense today is a futile pursuit. Indeed, I paid my penny and only farted, but YOU, not so beautiful losers, will pay with your lives! Okay, you can get back to watching TV now, geeesh! Actually, I’m sort of proud of this rant, I didn’t think I was capable of emulating moronic style and script. I think I'll run for office.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2116.html