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Whatever Happened to Yanis?
by barry Saturday, Feb 13 2016, 6:36am
international / prose / post

Greek-Aussie,‭ ‬Yanis‭ ‬Varoufakis‭ ‬made his international name by becoming finance minister of the failed socialist Greek government which tragically capitulated to the criminal bankers of Europe. He resigned prior to that tragedy for Greece, he should have known that modern Greeks have a tendency to habitually shoot themselves in the foot. So his endeavours in Greece were a waste of time, however, he learned much during his combat with the European banker elite.

Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis

Today Varoufakis is gallivanting around Europe sowing soft revolution against the nefarious, socially ruinous, elite of Europe; he proposes a borderless continent and an economically unified Europe, real democracy and an assortment of other impossibilities, he’s an idealist though an economically pragmatic man who knows his stuff. But his wild ambition and vision is too radical for stodgy Europe, though of course it makes perfect sense, but sense never gets a look-in in today’s Orwellian world.

So why not begin with a manageable realistic project? Return to Oz and enter the parliamentary race here, where you have a chance to realise your dreams; Aussies always respond to good sense and fairness, unlike the European hordes, now in the grip of the fascist extreme right and devoid of solutions left.

Varoufakis’ qualifications, experience and name assures he will be heard and if he talks sense to the Australian people about the economy, he would be a real chance. Forget the two major lackey parties, independent is way to go for starters, with every federal election the disillusioned people increase the number of representative independents in parliament and so a ready group of real representatives becomes available. Australians have been begging for competent change for decades and so an astute experienced economic specialist willing to fight, fits like a glove.

Australia is not set in its ways and offers great opportunities for political visionaries, competent economists (proven) and radical thinkers, unlike Europe. Furthermore, it would be a realistic enterprise rather than a futile waste of time on a continent already economically doomed.

Give it some thought Yanis, you know you’re always welcome here plus the dunderheads in parliament today offer little competition for a specialist economist and politically experienced fighting representative.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2113.html