Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by styx Wednesday, Oct 31 2012, 12:41pm
international / poetry / post

i forget how many times
i’ve nodded on my keyboard --
fatigue and sleep interrupting
my typing death
and doom to the child killing USA
and its lackey client States

it was ‘worth it’ a former Secretary of State
said on national TV, but she failed to explain,
worth what?
500,000 innocent children dead for what,
we would all like to know?
please justify the killing
of one innocent child
if you are able!

is it simply a psychopathic orgy
of murder and destruction,
America pursues,
how many innocent children
must be murdered before
America is satiated?

‘We came, we saw, he died,’
laughed another female Secretary of State;
it is true, nothing is more heartless
and murderous than a woman
bereft of natural instincts to protect
and nurture, woe to American women

Condi Rice before Hillary
gave ‘war a chance’ on the Gaza strip;
the largest count of dead were children
targeted in UN designated ‘safe’ havens --
a trick to make it easier for Israeli artillery
to wreak terror and death on innocents

the more grotesque and heartless the crime
the greater the terror effect,
according to Tel Aviv and Washington.

yet there is a psychopathic consistency
to these horrendous crimes;
two atomic bombs dropped
on civilian cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
such senseless destruction
evil satisfaction

US politicians today have continued
the tradition
they praise their new
presidential ‘kill list’
and blame innocent children
for being in the path of
Drone missile attacks --
Drones kill ten innocent civilians
for every one combatant

Washington is aware Drones sustain
their perpetual war strategy,
more profits for Corporate
and Banker elites

there’s something seriously wrong
with that nation

i read somewhere
it ends badly,
New York reduced to ash in one hour
and all the merchants and bankers
of the world lament the loss
of Babylon the debauched
defiler of all that is good

it’s astonishing
civilisation tolerates
such crimes

the American population is
voting for a new leader
yet the status quo has not changed
since Bill Clinton was president

whoever wins is irrelevant
simply because the USA
is thoroughly addicted to killing children
and terrorising anyone that opposes
its evil designs.

(have i earned my sleep tonight, my precious children?)

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-210.html