Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Writing – A tip for Professionals
by jude Tuesday, Feb 2 2016, 11:37pm
international / prose / post

The primary, effective message that bypasses the conscious mind is transmitted in the secondary layer of the discourse or SUBTEXT, for instance, if one wishes to trash the two-party political charade, it does not serve the writer well to focus the reader on that issue DIRECTLY via long-winded explanations/rhetoric or didactic means. Rather, direct the reader’s focus on the ‘other,’ independents for example, and then indirectly praise how that ‘other’ represents the true wishes of the people and not special interests, which interests both major political parties serve.

This is not a pipe!
This is not a pipe!

In this way the intended message is delivered via the subtext and the reader would necessarily understand due to the compelling process of linguistic decoding or the reading process that a vote for either major party is futile. Be advised all professional and creative writers.

Marketers and Ad agencies are acutely aware of this process hence the underlying theme in Hollywood’s propaganda movies, Starwars, Sniper etc, deliver the imperial prerogative of war, conflict and ‘might is right’ using the simplistic binary of good vs evil, which binary opposition is constantly interchanged in reality, readers consequently accept the evil as 'good' without being any-the-wiser. If this process seems perplexing I recommend a course in semiotics and basic linguistic theory. It is well worth the minor effort.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2098.html