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IMF Economist: Global Economy Faces "Headwinds" and a “Bumpy Ride” in 2016
by baz Tuesday, Jan 19 2016, 7:31am
international / prose / post

You've got to marvel at the use of maritime metaphors used by economists when describing a monumental downturn and grim forecast, "headwinds," indeed; we have a suggestion allow those 'winds' to blow your bullshit out your arse, Mr Maurice Obstfeld! Furthermore, we detect another, railways this time, metaphor, suggesting that illusory global growth could be "derailed" by China's not so accidental downturn in its stock market while ensuring its real economy is sound -- you see, it was the Chinese that wrote the Art of War, a masterful treatise on all manner of warfare. China is actually exploiting the situation to teach the West a lesson, notwithstanding that it didn't engineer the market instability but the Chinese are nothing if not able to take advantage of a situation. Watch western markets and bubble economies face REALITY, courtesy of Sun Tzu. Or to draw from a Western literary genius, "things are not what they appear to be!"

And for those fools that continue to leave their money in western stock markets, bigger fool you, the 'Bear' has departed to take a dump in the woods and the 'Bull' is about to shit itself -- be advised and grab your money and run.

Western markets/'casinos’ are controlled by mega-wealthy 'investors' (Wall St. criminals) and those that prefer to go sailing may soon discover when they hit land again that the repo man is after their yacht!

I leave you with another little gem from the linked piece, "bumpy ride" -- LOL!

Perhaps another little strategy from Sun Tzu; China avoided western control of its economy by NOT floating its currency and allowing western white-collar criminals to lead it into subservience. Shit! It’s all making sense in plain English, time to go sailing!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2077.html