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The Ludicrous and Shameless Hypocrisy of Obama on Gun Control
by stacey Tuesday, Jan 5 2016, 5:45pm
international / prose / post

A tearful Obama recently pleaded his case to the lobotomised American public for gun control highlighting the damage guns cause in the USA, not least those utilised by Police. From an international Australian perspective, Obama, who once touted that (drone) ‘killing is his strong suit,’ his recent ‘tearful’ rhetoric smacks of the usual fakery, hypocrisy and double standard.


This is a president who instituted extra-judicial (illegal) murders and secret 'kill lists;' Obama also seems to delight in intimidating opponents with drone strikes, notwithstanding his use and support of proxy jihadist extremist fighters to rein terror on innocent populations and murder non-compliant leaders of sovereign independent nations. This puppet president like his predecessors is a shameless mass murderer yet he expects his subjects to show restraint, give the thinking world a break you shameless mass murdering HYPOCRITE!

Now from a cultural perspective; the WORLD is aware of the infamous statement made by former Secretary of State, ‘Mad’ Albright, when questioned on 60 minutes over the needless deaths of over 500,000 innocent Iraqi children as a direct consequence of US-led and forced sanctions on medical and other essential supplies to that nation. Her pathological response was, “WE think it was worth it!” Then more recently psychopath Hillary Clinton who chuckled over the news of Gaddafi’s extra-judicial murder at the hands of US supported terrorists, blurted on air, “we came, we saw, he died,” making no secret which murdering nation was behind the Libyan debacle. The effect of course is, as go the leaders so goes the public. The USA is a crazed, murdering nation from top to bottom and if Obama or any other puppet leader wishes to change social and cultural values they would best be advised to LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

So where is your INTEGRITY, you shameless lying HYPOCRITE, Obama? If you ask anyone outside the USA they would tell you squarely, in the toilet.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2058.html