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The Dire Nature of Geopolitics Today
by jess Tuesday, Dec 29 2015, 10:44pm
international / prose / post

Things are not good and that’s putting it mildly, the world’s three superpowers, Russia, China and the US are vying for survival and perceive their opponents as adversaries in this struggle.

None of the nations in question are willing to rationally and sanely work through their differences diplomatically, notwithstanding the intransigence of the western NATO-US alliance. China has a history of not engaging the outside world in military conflict and deplores the prospect, China as always would rather do business. Russia however, engages in war as a last resort, as history records, BUT the US/NATO today consider war a first option as fifteen years of unrestrained ‘perpetual war’ betrays.

The delusion behind the West’s stance is that it imagines that it has the stronger position, however, as an example of the insanity of that view allow me to state the OBVIOUS: in a nuclear exchange no nuclear superpower has an advantage, as a pre-emptive strike is immediately followed by an all-out nuclear response from the targeted nation – that is the REALITY which now confronts the world.

Nevertheless, the lunatics we have allowed to direct OUR future believe like all psychopaths that they would prevail – utter and total insanity! And so ready yourselves for the inevitable, WWIII; which in actuality has been underway for the past fifteen years, though it has not reached critical nuclear mass, as it has T-O-D-A-Y!

The ONLY effective solution is intervention by the global masses, that is, to remove the lying duplicitous KNOWN criminals that have infected our respective States and hijacked OUR democratic governments throughout the western world, a highly unlikely prospect as the means, mass communication (media) are privately owned by the same nefarious, lunatic interests.

I would remind readers that the mass movements of the 60’s to stop the Vietnam war and to pursue social justice were all propelled by popular culture, music and the arts and broadcast as widely as possible by the then DIVERSE mass media of the day. Only after years of such cultural discourse did results manifest and the war was stopped, American blacks briefly ‘tasted’ freedom and equality as did numerous other oppressed populations throughout the world, however, the tables were turned immediately after and most social leaders were assassinated along with numerous popular entertainers and artists – the death count of such popular figures in a short space of time is unprecedented. The mass media was immediately harnessed by the CFR, the result of course was the elimination of popular and sane discourse, the people’s voice was intentionally censored from the arts and popular culture and replaced with mindless titillation. The mass media now completely serves the interests of the evil plutocrats that own it.

So the situation today is bleak as time has run out and the prospect for mass intervention is almost lost, notwithstanding that the masses are nose-ringed by the CFR controlled western media or propaganda apparatus.

The following two articles spell it out as do many on this site.



If we do not take responsibility for our lives NOW then expect the worst and I would get no satisfaction in saying ‘I told you so,’ when the inevitable occurs within approximately 12 months.

So as usual, our future is in OUR hands.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2046.html