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It’s Time to Get a Grip
by val Monday, Dec 28 2015, 6:45am
international / prose / post

Seriously, now that the Russians have offered incontrovertible proof of NATO and US vassal Gulf States’ involvement in facilitating ISIL’s stolen oil sales and supporting ISIL with weapons, Toyotas, intelligence, cash and fighters, the proxy war in Syria and the reasons behind it should be plain for all to see. And we shouldn’t forget that NATO/US first uitilised the services of their created proxy ISIL fighters in Libya, “we came, we saw, he died,” blurted Hillary to the media while she was Secretary of State, RESPONSIBILITY is therefore in NO DOUBT, notwithstanding pictures and video images taken at that time clearly showing a rudimentary black ISIL flag held aloft by western supported so-called anti-Gaddafi rebel forces.

So now that the US-NATO criminal alliance is faced with the reality of their crimes, their reaction is predictable, attempt to blame the ‘other,’ in this case Russia. Recent CFR directed ‘news’ is claiming that the Russians have killed “thousands” of civilians during their campaign against terrorists and ISIL oil convoys in Syria. I mean really, the US and its spineless allies were DIRECTLY responsible for over one MILLION civilian deaths in Iraq, yet the CFR controlled western media remained in constant denial of that FACT at the time and even today!

So perhaps while the same CFR directed media fabricates stories of Russia killing “thousands” of civilians, shouldn’t we hold K-N-O-W-N war criminals to ACCOUNT for their EXPOSED LIES and war crimes in Iraq? Could anyone offer a GOOD reason not to?

However, let’s offer another extremely relevant perspective on the endless, ILLEGAL resource wars fought by the NATO-US criminal alliance either directly or through their paid, trained and supported proxy fighting groups.

The following short video, titled ‘The Petro Dollar Explained’ is extremely revealing and should enlighten even the dullest mind, notwithstanding the proof offered to the WORLD by Russia of NATO-US involvement in ISIL stolen oil.

video Another Vid for download explaining same

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2043.html