Top CIA Intel Briefer to Bush-Cheney Confirms Administration Lied
by zed Tuesday, Dec 15 2015, 12:38am
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Well, many years after the event, a little Truth is made public to the banjo-playing Americans living in an Orwellian propaganda State. However, the fact remains that numerous analysts and commentators of the time referred to Hans Blix's UN investigation, which found no evidence whatsoever of WMD or nuclear weapons in pre-invasion Iraq. So WHO failed the nation -- THE PEOPLE OF COURSE? The video below from MSNBC confirms that Bush-Cheney and the entire administration LIED IN CONCERT to pursue an agenda hidden from the public, namely the conquest of the Middle East's oil producing nations that did not comply to American dictates, which is the prerogative of any independent nation.
And so many laws were broken after the administration lied and falsely led America into CORPORATE instigated wars for PROFIT, regardless of the cost in innocent human lives; furthermore, little has changed today, only another puppet sits in the White House lying through his teeth to the American people and taking orders from the Corporate-Banker elites. And again, as before, WHO is to blame for allowing this criminal rampage to occur, why, the same GUILTY party, the gutless, timid, paralyzed in fear, American PEOPLE -- home of the brave, my ass!.
My question is obvious, what are WE going to do about removing mass murdering criminals from our state institutions and halls of power and when are we going to HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT for the many heinous crimes they have committed against he American people, the Constitution, local law and greater humanity? Okay, you can all jump back under your beds now I stated it as plainly as possible -- AMERICANS ARE COWARDS AND THE ENTIRE WORLD especially terrorist groups and other nations KNOW IT!
Video of MSNBC interview
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