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Total Disconnect – Obama’s Address to the Nation
by jude Sunday, Dec 6 2015, 11:28pm
international / prose / post

Obama once again displayed the complete disconnect he did at the recent UN GA, he seems to have learned nothing since, his address to the nation on Sunday clearly indicates a very dangerous failure to realise that the vast majority of the global and American population, KNOW BETTER and are aware of REALITY, particularly the complicity of Washington in supporting terrorist fighting groups in Syria acting as its proxies. The evidence supplied by Russia and others is OVERWHELMING, notwithstanding local media reports of USAF cargo planes dropping arms and supplies to proxy terrorist fighters in Syria after Russia wiped out their weapons caches and stores.


However, true to form, puppet Obama sticks to the deep state’s script even though he knows better himself. The result is mass tune-out, few if any believe anything that issues from his duplicitous and clearly lying mouth – and that amounts to a massive credibility crisis for the deep state and of course its puppet politicians in Washington.

I need not go into depth analysis of his evasive, lying speech, as it’s all been revealed many times before, anyone interested is free to search Youtube and disgust themselves at the level of criminality and deceit to which Washington has descended.

I would only add the obvious reason for this total disconnect from REALITY displayed by Washington (and Brussels); you see, the psychopathic mass murdering clowns that comprise the ‘deep state’ and that are directly responsible for ALL the mayhem and destruction the WORLD has experienced over the past 15 years, imagine they ‘own reality’ and are able to convince rational people that the sky is not blue and that black is white. Well, keep at it, as you are all your own worst enemies and need no assistance from the outside to defeat you. I look forward to the time, as George ‘new world order’ H Bush, unintentionally predicted, that soon you will all be hanging from lamp posts. Indeed, the TRUTH will destroy you all and set the people FREE!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2014.html