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Putin plays Tiddly Winks while US/NATO play Hardball
by baz Saturday, Dec 5 2015, 8:53pm
international / prose / post

Opinions about the Syrian crisis are as numerous as dead civilian bodies since the US declared its perpetual war strategy using terrorism as the pretext. NATO is utilising Turkey to taunt Putin while it prepares for a direct intervention. Indeed, we are witnessing a slow but steady planned escalation by criminal western powers to fulfil their hegemonic agenda in the Middle East -- published countless times over the years by countless analysts and commentators. The entire western strategy however, is pinned on Putin's known cowardice and reticence to engage in a war with NATO/US powers, HOWEVER, it is UNAVOIDABLE as Putin will soon learn to his regret. There is only one sure means to stop the US and NATO pursuing its criminal agenda and that is for Putin to mobilise his nuclear arsenal and bring it all to a head sooner rather than later, and if the world's population prefers to sit back, watch and be vaporised then so be it! Video below.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2010.html